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Obama knows who he really cares about. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Twitter’s original slogan was “Tell us what you really think.” Reading some people’s tweets, you often have to ask yourself: what the hell were they thinking?

Twitter has become notorious for ruining people over a single, thoughtless tweet. Usually, they’re low-level former nobodies, mindlessly thumbing out their spurt-of-the-moment brainfarts. But nowadays, most public figures have “people” whose sole job is to manage their social media accounts – ie tweet for them. These social media managers are supposedly trained professionals in the art of communications.

Which makes it doubly astounding that they blurt out some of the stuff they do.

Former Democrat President Barack Obama faced backlash online Wednesday afternoon after he invoked George Floyd following the school shootings that happened on Tuesday in Texas.

Obama’s remarks come after an 18-year-old Latino male stormed Robb Elementary School in Uvalde and opened fire on students, killing at least 19 children, before a nearby US Border Patrol agent rushed into the building and killed the suspect.

“As we grieve the children of Uvalde today, we should take time to recognize that two years have passed since the murder of George Floyd under the knee of a police officer,” Obama tweeted. “His killing stays with us all to this day, especially those who loved him.”

As one Twitter user responded, 20 terrified children may have been slaughtered in cold blood, but shout out to my man GEORGE FLOYD.

Others were just as flabbergasted.

Jason Whitlock, The Blaze: “Let’s stand George Floyd on the dead bodies of slaughtered children. This is one of the worst tweets in history” […]

Gad Saad, professor: “Children, shmildren. Sure those kids died but let’s honor Floyd, a BLM icon. You are my president forever and I’m Canadian. Your ability to say nothing in such an articulate manner is inspiring. Thank you.”

The Daily Wire

As CEO of The Babylon Bee, Seth Dillon’s job is making up stupid things leftists might say, but even he couldn’t have made up something so egregiously dumb as Obama’s tweet.

But possibly the most insightful comment came from Mike Cernovich, who called Obama a “divisive psychopath”. Because division is what Obama does. It’s how he first clawed his path to power in the vicious pit-fighting of Chicago Democratic politics. It was his stock-in-trade as president: remember his comment on the Trayvon Martin shooting? That one set off nearly as many deadly riots as the hypocritical pearl-clutching over a career thug who OD’d on fentanyl and died.

El American editor Emmanuel Rincon mostly missed the point when he tweeted, “The families of more than 20 people (mostly children) killed yesterday do not deserve this disrespect. It would be good to respect their pain and not use this moment to stir up more hatred.”

Because that’s what Obama does: exploit tragedy to stir up hatred. It’s all he knows. It’s why America is reaping the violent racial whirlwind of his presidency.

But if Obama’s tweet was darkly strategic, other politicians clearly can’t help being stupidly un-self-aware. But even coming from a “movement” that entirely consists of vain, silly, rich women preening and posing for the adulation of their socialite peers, teal independent Monique Ryan’s self-description as “iconic” almost beggars belief.

As if to make sure that nobody missed the point that she’s an idiotic virtue-signaller, Ryan immediately followed that clanger up with an image of the Aboriginal flag superimposed on a map of Australia… upside-down.

“Nothing says No-Idea-Virtue-Signaller like posting the Aboriginal flag upside down” The BFD

Sometimes you just can’t make the stupidity of these people up.


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