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The BFD. Arrowtown

Then and Now is a possible new series for The BFD. If it is to continue we need readers to submit photos of a current scene along with a photo of what it looked like many years ago.

For example:

The BFD. Arrowtown
The BFD. Arrowtown

Today’s Then and Now are as follows:

The BFD. Then and Now. Bridge 102 on Northern Train line at Haruru 2020
The BFD. Then and Now. Bridge 102 on Northern Train line at Haruru 1975

Send your Then and Now photos to sb [at] the

*Please make sure that you provide the year that each photo was taken as well as the location.

*Please put Then and Now in the subject line.


The Case Against Foreign Aid

The Case Against Foreign Aid

There no evidence that foreign aid has ever turned a poor country into a rich country; it is much more likely that foreign aid undermines economic development by giving politicians in recipient nations an excuse to delay or avoid needed reforms.

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