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There Is Zero Tolerance for Doctors Who Stray

Photo by TheDigitalArtist. The BFD.

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Call it what you will. A Medical Council disciplinary trial, a kangaroo court or a show trial…

A show trial is a public trial in which the guilt or innocence of the defendant has already been determined. The actual trial has as its only goal the presentation of both the accusation and the verdict to the public so they will serve as both an impressive example and a warning to other would-be dissidents or transgressors.

One doctor after another in New Zealand is being hauled before the Medical Council, which seems to have a predetermined outcome.

A doctor from Tauranga has been struck off. The Medical Council passed the unfair and absurd court ‘deterrent’ costs on for criticising the safety and efficacy of the Covid-19 vaccine and for saying ‘bad things’ about the council. It all started for this doctor when 12 local GPs complained to the medical council about her speeches. Then the Medical Council contacted her and asked her to sign a VU (voluntary undertaking) to not oppose the Covid-19 narrative. She told them where to go!

They then sent her to the PCC (Professional Conduct Committee). The PCC found her guilty of spreading misinformation and speaking badly of the council and the health profession. The PCC referred her to the HPDT (Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal), which found her guilty of the same. Consequently, she was struck off and ordered to pay a third of the costs (her share being $107,000).

The doctor had asked the council to remove her from the register in mid-2022, but they refused. They could have struck her off for free back then. They said at the HPDT hearing that they were using her as an example and a deterrent to other doctors. Delaying this is obviously deliberate and malicious, and, incurring unnecessary costs for the doctor, is vindictive and spiteful.

Here are the observations of Grandoon, a BFD subscriber who attended a hearing. He and his wife respectfully held up placards remembering Rory Nairn, the 26-year-old plumber who died of myocarditis 12 days after receiving the Covid-19 vaccine in 2021.

We recently attended the disciplinary hearing against a doctor who had spoken out regarding the safety and efficacy of the Covid ‘vaccine’.

The hearing was held in a conference room at a 3.5-star hotel. It was a faux-formal hearing comprising of a panel of a six-person tribunal, a lawyer and two assistants, stenographer and an administrator. There was also an ‘expert’ witness.

Proceedings started with all attendees being asked to stand whilst the members of the tribunal marched in with an air of importance.

After formalities and introductions, Professor Mark Thomas of the University of Auckland, the ‘expert’, was called to give evidence. The format of his evidence consisted of regurgitating statements from the ‘One Source of Truth’ and the picking apart and criticising of social media postings, speeches and interviews given by the accused doctor.

At no time was the ‘expert’ witness challenged on any issue other than the superficial clarifying of points.

We got the distinct impression that the outcome was predetermined and fitted precisely with the government Covid and Pfizer narrative.

It left us feeling frustrated and sad for a courageous doctor.
Image supplied

See an explosive interview here by Liz Gunn with Dr Bruce Dooley on 24 Sept 2022, discussing concerns about doctors worldwide being silenced by a private and powerful organisation called the Federation of State Medical Boards, based in Dallas, USA. The doctors deemed, in their words, to be a ‘scourge’ and straying from the official narrative will be targeted and removed from the profession.

Any doctor that questions the safety… we will hunt them down and destroy them where they live.
Image provided by Sam Bailey

Closer to home, a man who claimed to be a private investigator is seen climbing up to the home of NZ doctor Sam Bailey with a file under his arm. He was ordered off the property. Dr Bailey found out by chance her case is due to be held later in August. Incredibly she was not invited to her own tribunal trial and is wondering if she will be struck off to be another ‘deterrent’? Dr Bailey has continued to speak out and has declined all requests to be quiet.

The Medical Council may have underestimated the resolve of these principled doctors. All they want is to have freedom of speech to question the official Covid-19 response that is being broadcast to Kiwis by the media, the Medical Council, GPs, speciality colleges and the government. That freedom is absent.

From a foreword written by USA author Philip Yancy:

Don’t let Kiwis fool you, an American told me. We Aussies are brash, kind of like you Americans. We think we’re athletic and outdoorsy, but the Kiwis are the really tough ones. They started Outward Bound and were the first to climb Mt Everest. They invented the sport of bungee jumping and black-water rafting – like white–water rafting, only done in a cave, in the dark. We Aussies face lots of natural dangers: crocodiles, poisonous snakes and spiders, Tasmanian devils, killer jellyfish. New Zealand has none of those. So they have to contrive danger.                                    

Romans Unplugged, by Les Brighton (2019).

These Kiwi doctors did not have to contrive danger. It came to them, in the form of threats, denigration, censorship, cancelling and finally the removal of their medical licence. They were warned to stop talking, or else. Dr Bailey said she chose the ‘else’.

See her video, Will I Be Struck Off (6 August 2023).

They are compassionate but ‘tough’ Kiwi doctors, who will not be bullied into silence.

Don’t be fooled Dr Curtis Walker.

This may not be the last time you hear from these caring and truthful doctors.
