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There’s More than One Way to Burn a Book

What socialist doesn’t love a good burning? The BFD.

If you want to know what the left are really up to, just listen to whatever they’re accusing anyone else of the loudest.

Violent extremism? Look at any random left-wing mass rally, especially involving Antifa or BLM (whose months of riots remain the costliest civil unrest in US history).

Racism? From Critical Race Theory, to “co-governance” in New Zealand and the “Voice” in Australia, the left is assiduously dividing societies on racial lines. Anyone, white, black, Asian or Jewish, who disagrees with the left is violently vilified in the vilest racial terms. Anti-Semitism is fast becoming ubiquitous for even the mainstream left.

And banning books?

Oh, you better believe the left is hitting that one harder than a National Socialist with a box of matches.

The left media last year worked themselves into a spittle-flecked fury of high dudgeon over claims that a single American high school had “banned Maus”. It was a lie, of course. The book was simply removed from a younger-age reading list. It was still freely available in the school library.

Meanwhile, left-wing educators have banned — removed from libraries, and in some cases, from publication altogether — books including Huckleberry Finn, To Kill a Mockingbird and Of Mice and Men. TikTok leftists film themselves burning Harry Potter books.

Not to be outdone, Australian leftists are jumping on the book-banning bandwagon.

Dozens of 20th century non-fiction titles deemed historically inaccurate or offensive have been removed from the Northcote High School library as part of a push to decolonise the school’s book collection.

By “decolonise”, of course, they mean “banning” anything that falls short of abject grovelling from Europeans. They’re especially determined to ban anything that might give impressionable young minds an insight into facts.

Texts that refer to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as nomads or hunter-gatherers.

Both of which are undeniable facts. But they’re facts that hurt leftists’ feelings, so they have to go.

The audit resulted in 36 books being removed from the library and a further 12 titles being filed under a new restricted category.

Victoria’s school librarians’ association, which is developing a “diversity toolkit” for schools seeking to update their collections, said Northcote had set an example for other schools to follow. Northcote has also encouraged other schools to follow its lead.

It shouldn’t surprise anyone that this happened in Northcote. Northcote is the epicentre of Melbourne’s Quinoa Belt. Median house price $1.6m, Northcote is home to one of the highest Greens first-preference votes in the country.

It should also not surprise anyone that the “Aborigine” behind this book-banning fatwa is yet another box-ticking academic trougher.

The large government school in Melbourne’s north leaned heavily on the guidance of Dr Al Fricker, a Dja Dja Wurrung man and expert in Indigenous education with Deakin University.
The very picture of a “Dja Dja Wurrung man”. The BFD.

But no anti-book jihad would be complete without the nosey nannas and beta-white males.

Northcote High librarian Richard Smallcombe said the school was inspired by a Queensland school that undertook a similar audit. Diana Blyton, a member of his team, approached Dr Fricker for guidance.

Each morning, Blyton combed through the school’s non-fiction collection, taking out books with Indigenous content for evaluation.

Dr Fricker would visit weekly and go through each title with staff, judging them for accuracy, authenticity and language.

Just to show that inquisitors have no sense of humour…

Cataloguing and spine labels with the three-letter categorisation ABO were also removed.

Sydney Morning Herald

These lunatic inquisitors should at least be honest enough to cart “counter-revolutionary” books to the school quadrangle and put a match to them.

Then everyone could see them for what they really are.


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