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They Are Marching Now, Jacinda

peter principle
funny face squint

Jacinda Ardern arrogantly and rudely exclaimed about President Trump, “no one marched when I was elected.” It may have been true back then but it’s certainly not true now.

And the protests are getting bigger and more widespread. New Zealand doesn’t love her anymore.

We don’t love you anymore Jacinda

No matter how hard the media and government try to dismiss these protests, the simple fact remains that plenty of people are getting up off their sofas or downing tools on the farm and getting out and joining ever-growing protests against this government.

Ardern and her cronies in the media would do well to not ignore the growing anger, especially in Auckland.

What is also becoming more and more apparent is that the continued lockdown of Auckland is severely penalising its inhabitants especially as the delta outbreak grows in size outside of Auckland.

Aucklanders are more and more coming to the conclusion that the Prime Minister has chucked the city under the bus in a forlorn bid to eliminate a virus that has changed so much that her old tactics have failed.

Remember the slogan, “short and sharp”. That has now become a rather sick joke on us all as we approach 100 days living inside Jacinda’s gulag.

Photoshopped image credit Cam Slater. The BFD.

Nothing makes sense anymore. Elimination has been quietly shelved, the government has hung its hat on vaccination, but the case counts continue to grow even as the vaccination rate has increased. This should not come as a surprise because even Blind Freddy could see what has happened in the rest of the world. Only the Prime Minister or someone equally as stupid would think that by doing the same things as the rest of the world we could expect a different outcome.

And yet that is exactly what they have done and told us. The advantage of being 6-12 months behind the rest of the world is that NZ could literally see the future before it happened. However, that advantage has been squandered by a government entrenched in ideology and completely incapable of seeing, let alone learning from, others’ mistakes.

When the case rates and the death rate jump alarmingly and most of those affected are vaccinated, then the penny will drop at how much you’ve all been lied to. When that happens then the anger will be even more than it is now.

Right now Jacinda Ardern and her ministers and their enablers in the corrupted media are scoffing at the protests. They think they can ignore them. But when the tide rushes out in the polls it will be too late for them to do anything about it.

The election is two years away, and there is no way they will be able to keep the Covid gig running for that long. Then people are going to go into an election campaign that will show no discernible progress on any of the lefty promises this government has made.

The housing crisis will be exponentially worse, child poverty statistics will be worse. The economy will be a wreck, drowned under a sea of debt that just a few short years ago the then Labour opposition were decrying, but as a government have significantly expanded. There still won’t be any light rail to the airport, the second harbour crossing still won’t have started, Kiwibuild won’t have even hit the first milestone, the health reforms will have cost double the predicted $500 million and will have achieved little in the way of obvious improvements, and Three Waters anger will gut Labour’s base.

They will have literally done nothing in six years except impoverish the nation. The country will have been divided between Maori elites and everyone else, the vaxxed and the unvaxxed, the workers and the work-shy, the criminals and the rest. In every regard, the government will have sided with the wrong side of the argument.

Add to that the clear diminution of our God-given rights by an increasingly control-freakish Government.

This recipe is going to see two long years of increasing anger and protest. I just hope the government ignores it all and runs a campaign telling us we are all wrong and that they know best.

That may well happen, but I think that with six months of increasing delta spread and deaths it will destroy any semblance of unity within the government. All those backbench MPs will be watching the polls and seeing their chance at a long career as an MP diminish as fast as the poll rating for Labour.

It is going to be a fun two years, then the backlash will be worse than the groundswell that got rid of Helen Clark. Jacinda Ardern’s legacy will be sackcloth and ashes. She will go from hero to zero in just two years. But she won’t care because she will do exactly what her mentor did and decamp from New Zealand to a sinecure position in some UN organisation.

So, let’s hope they continue to ignore the anger and double down on their increasingly bizarro nanny state

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