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They Are Useful Idiots and Bloody Fools

The actions of the useful idiots cannot be excused by their blood or religious ties. They act out of ignorance or, worse, a mob mentality that abdicates moral or political decision-making to whatever will get them the most likes on social media.

Photo by Mohamed Jamil Latrach / Unsplash

On Saturday, once again, the streets of Auckland resounded with calls of support for Palestine.

That would be the sympathetic mainstream media’s way of putting it. An alternative would be the calm of a sunny Saturday afternoon in Auckland was once again shattered by bellicose support for malevolent forces half a world away from our peaceful nation.

The support is offered not by the bulk of the New Zealand populace, but by a relative few useful idiots and bloody fools.

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Fear Can Be a Powerful Motivator

Fear Can Be a Powerful Motivator

Whether Team Trump achieves their goal depends on two things: the level of Trump support where public awareness of the facts is crucial; and a fair election free from political interference. Fighting the government and MSM is asking a lot.

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