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They Caught Him Monologuing

Idiot ‘trans’ activist tells the whole world just how he violated Florida law.

Believe it or not, this is a man. The Good Oil. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

As anyone familiar with the superhero genre knows, the most foolish thing a criminal mastermind can do is brag to the whole world about his masterplan. As spoofed in The Incredibles, ‘monologuing’ is the best time to bring down an arch-nemesis.

Especially when the ‘criminal genius’ really ain’t that smart. Such as the cross-dresser who took to TikTok to brag about his supposedly masterful scheme to hoodwink the state of Florida.

Trans actor James Rose, known as "Jamesissmiling" on TikTok, posted a video on Dec. 20, which is now unavailable, claiming there’s a loophole in Florida’s law that can allow citizens to change their gender identity on IDs.

In fact, no such loophole actually exists. Florida rigorously bans mentally ill cross-dressers from changing their gender on official documents.

FLHSMV issued its new policy regarding gender on driver’s licenses last year in a memo distributed to county tax collectors.

“Under s. 322.17 F.S., the Department can issue a replacement license only when a license or permit is lost or stolen, or when there is a subsequent change in the licensee’s name, address, or restrictions,” [Deputy Executive Director Robert Kynoch] wrote at the time. “Furthermore, the term ‘gender’ in s. 322.08, F.S., does not refer to a person’s internal sense of his or her gender role or identification, but has historically and commonly been understood as a synonym for ‘sex,’ which is determined by innate and immutable biological and genetic characteristics.”

Predictably, the Biden administration, though, allows the gender-confused to officially lie on some documents.

“I just got my gender changed on my driver’s license in the free f—ing state of Florida,” Rose exclaimed. “My god, Ron DeSantis would be screaming right now if he knew about this. This little license now says female on it.”

The actor continued, “This is not easy. You’re not even supposed to be able to do this in this state. Here’s the loophole, here’s the loophole. Listen up! If you’re replacing your driver’s license, not renewing it but replacing it because you ‘lost it,’ they have to take all of your information from what they consider a ‘primary document.’ A passport is considered a primary document, and you can self-identify on your passport which means, loophole, you can self-identify on your Florida f—ing driver’s license."

In other words, he obtained a Florida driver’s licence fraudulently.

And then told the whole world about it. Including the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV).

Who promptly responded.

Please note that the sex identifier on the replacement driver’s license ... was improperly changed from male to female. Accordingly that license ... is invalid and has been canceled.

Thank you for bringing this error to the Department’s attention. Your public comments will help ensure compliance with Florida law.

Even funnier, the FLHSMV is also considering criminal charges.

Finally, your public comments suggest that, while you may have misrepresented your sex when applying for a replacement license, you may have also knowingly made a false statement about whether you truly lost your original license.

Cue sad trombone noises.

There are two separate issues,” [Ron DeSantis communications director Bryan Griffin] said. “Number one is renewing your license and getting the sex change. So there’s a rule against that in Florida. The DMV should not have processed this. Number two is, did this person actually lose their license? Because if they didn’t, and then they claimed that they did, that is unlawful.”

He continued, “And you’ll see in the video that this individual posted that they did kind of air quotes, which is what led us to include that last paragraph saying, hey, we have reason to believe based on your video, that you might have actually, you know, lied about actually losing your license. So they are conducting an inquiry into that.”

Not the brightest sparks, these gender-confused nutjobs.

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