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Image credit The BFD.

Amanda Vickers

The high excess mortality we are seeing is not caused by Covid. NZ statistics reported a sharp 10% increase in mortality rate for 2022 (so far), with only some of that attributed to Covid, remembering the died with/died of conundrums.

The other portion, the non-Covid excess mortality, was dismissed as being due to “an aging population”. This reasoning is not further substantiated nor explained and doesn’t stack up. For a start, 2022 is not the first year we’ve had an “aging population”.

The excess mortality for 2022 was reported only in comparison to the 2021 data: a year which also had high excess mortality. Therefore, the 2022 results will appear to be much lower than they actually are and should have been compared with averaged historical data, up to and including 2019. Had this been done, the 2022 excess mortality would have been ~24%, according to the calculations of Grant Dixon.

Also worrying is the age stratification of reported death figures. The proportion of deaths for each age group is consistent with 2019. This means that as deaths have increased, the deaths in our younger people have also increased proportionally! ‘Something’ is killing our younger, middle-aged and older people with equal propensity. It should be alarming that excess deaths are not confined to the most usual group in society. The sharp increase in all cause mortality simply cannot be attributed to the aging population as claimed.

So what happened differently during those two years compared with previous years? Given the amplitude of the excess deaths, it would seem prudent to acknowledge that one of the factors that changed was the roll out of novel mRNA technology administered to at least 80% of New Zealand’s population.

Causes of excess mortality in a population can be multifactorial and span seasons and time periods. Potentially contributing to excess mortality are Covid variant surges, the seasonal flu, lockdowns, lack of access to medical treatment, other socio-economic factors and the roll out of novel mRNA technology (the vaccine). The temporal correlation of excess mortality with vaccine doses is not an exact science, but the apparently lax deliberations of the Medsafe committee, charged with deciding attribution in reported deaths, are astonishing. Some analysts, such as Steve Kirsch, say that vaccines are taking an average of five months to kill people.

I recently realised that the WHO’s “Our World in Data” site provides a worldwide average of all data, which I was interested to explore. An average of all countries could iron out some of the noise in the temporal correlation of excess mortality and vaccine doses. The WHO data also allowed for the separation of Covid deaths. My view is that the “vaccine doses given” data cannot be ruled out as causative for increased mortality rates.

If only our government would spend some of their huge resources for Covid to answer the questions screaming out from the data (and here and here). Yet no investigation, warning or concern appears forthcoming from our authorities. A full public enquiry has been called for and is sorely needed both to restore public trust and to provide much-needed clarification and transparency as to why our loved ones, young and old, are dying in such unprecedented numbers.
