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Some people nicknamed it the American Stonehenge because it looked a little like the Neolithic Stonehenge in Wiltshire, England. The US Georgia Guidestones were four 19-foot-tall granite panels carved out of local stone in northeast Georgia and had been erected on 22 March 1980. The panels featured inscriptions in multiple languages, including English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, and Arabic. Each sandblasted letter was four inches in height.

On 6 July 2022, an explosive device was detonated at the site, destroying the Swahili/Hindi language slab and causing significant damage to the capstone. The remaining stones were dismantled by authorities for safety reasons later in the day. You can read the story here.

No one knew who the original ‘builder’ was or who funded the monument and why, and it became a local mystery, until recently. Conspiracy theories abounded on the internet, and hundreds, if not thousands, of people came to Elbert County every year to see the stones.

The former monument served as a sundial and astronomical calendar, but its messages of social philosophy advocating improvement of human hereditary qualities through breeding via population control, global government, court system and language were controversial. The panels’ mention of eugenics made them a target of vandalism over the years. The ‘builder’ behind them is now believed to be Wayne Mullenix, a neighbour, who had longstanding globalist ideals.

Shockingly, amongst other things, Mr Mullenix, the globalist, called for reducing the world population to under 500 million.


The huge panels, bore ten guidelines or principles for living in an “age of reason,” whatever that is. The ten read:

  1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
  2. Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity.
  3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
  4. Rule passion – faith – tradition – and all things with tempered reason.
  5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
  6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
  7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
  8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
  9. Prize truth – beauty – love – seeking harmony with the infinite.
  10. Be not a cancer on the Earth – Leave room for nature – Leave room for nature.

Previous globalists, from the 1940s on, started to work towards global control and a new world order. ‘Nice’ words were used like unity, interdependency, interconnections, transformation, and integration. Arden used ‘kindness’ as her nice word, but it wasn’t true to label. Mr Mullenix of the infamous Guidestones was small fry. Over the last few years the globalists, many extremely wealthy, have been pushing their agenda on steroids by shamelessly destabilising countries’ social fabric. There is nothing nice about it.

Ivor Cummins, an Irish corporate engineer who for twenty-five years worked as a Complex Problem Solver and for ten years in People Management, developed a matrix, centred around what he called a Globalist ‘Utopia’ to formulate and understand what was happening when he smelt a rat with the ‘Covid -19 nonsense’.

War on farmers, bio security state, climate and CO2, partner profiteering, lockstep authoritarian, erode sovereignty, erode nationalism, dependency, mass migration, anti-meat propaganda, dependency, enhance funding, erode fundamental truths, transfer of power, covid programme, gender and transgender etc., censorship apparatus, central financial control, wealth transfer, central energy control, Financial and Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), bolster corporate alliances.

Cummins believes all these issues lead to weakened societies (the red ovals). It’s deliberate, connected, promulgated, and exaggerated by the globalists. It’s nasty.

Never in human history have the stakes been higher for the human species.

Ivor Cummins’ full interview is below (45mins)

Dr Kahn Syed – 30.03.24 The New Eugenics Movement – Part 2 – by Dr Ah Kahn Syed (  (Arkmedic’s blog).
