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They Ignored Brian Roche Last Time. What Makes Anyone Think This Time Will Be Different?

Sir Brian Roche Credit: Radio NZ Credit: Radio NZ

The government have developed a habit of having a review whenever they cock things up. It is just a delaying tactic to let things cool down, and like the last review, nothing will actually change.

The government ignored the findings of the Roche/Simpson report, but now they have tapped Brian Roche on the shoulder again to conduct yet another review of their poor handling at the border:

An independent advisory group is being established to ensure the Government continues to improve its response to the pandemic.

COVID-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins said the new group, chaired by Sir Bryan Roche, would formalise the ongoing approach to ensure the Government continues to learn and adapt.

“Throughout our response to the unprecedented challenges posed by COVID-19 we have been committed to continual improvement, and independent advice has been a really important part of that process.

“Independent reviews of our contact tracing systems and the implementation of our testing strategy provided useful advice and recommendations. Implementation of those recommendations has left us better protected and better prepared,” he said.

Other group members include Rob Fyfe, Dr Debbie Ryan, Professor Phillip Hill, and Dr Dale Bramley.


It can’t really be called independent, can it? Both Brian Roche and Rob Fyfe have previously worked for this government.

The signature of this government is to create an advisory group to (a) do their jobs and (b) take the rap if things turn to custard.

This current lot could actually all go away, and leave behind just one person in government, who when anything cropped up simply appointed somebody else to sort it. That’s what they’re doing anyway.

This just goes to show the total lack of depth of talent in government. You’d be hard-pressed to call it a talent pool, so shallow is the water. It’s actually more like a talent car park puddle.

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