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They Won’t Take ‘No’ for an Answer

There’s a face that could use a good laugh. The BFD.

What is it about the left that they just won’t take “sod off” for an answer? Like tantrum-throwing toddlers, every time they’re told “No”, the left scream and yell, throw their toys and slam their doors, and pester and badger until they get their way.

Because, bad parents that the rest of us are, we keep giving in to them in the hope that they’ll finally shut up and go away. They never do, of course.
Speaking of leftist political toddlers, complete with, as my mother used to say, “a face like a smacked arse”: here comes Nicola Sturgeon. Again.

There’s a face that could use a good laugh. The BFD.

Sturgeon heads the Scottish National Party (who are, as Theodore Dalrymple has observed, nationalists and socialists: “They are, in fact, national socialists”), who currently lead Scotland by virtue of a minority government deal with the Greens. The SNP already had a crack at an independence referendum and lost. So, in true left-toddler style, she’s having another go.

The SNP leader has repeatedly made clear she wants a referendum before the end of 2023 – despite fierce opposition from the UK Government to such a vote taking place.

And while she said “having the full powers of independence does not guarantee a better future” for Scotland it was “striking just how successful” countries that are similar to Scotland were in comparison with the UK.

Such nations, she said, “can help point the way to a new Scotland that is wealthier and fairer, more resilient and better placed to help people with issues such as the cost of living crisis than a UK Government committed to a hard Brexit whatever the cost”.

Scotland is, in fact, a net beneficiary of being part of the British union. Left to its own devices, it would quickly go broke. This probably explains Sturgeon’s rather un-independent desperation to hand the country over to an even bigger imperialist master than Britain, the EU.

Opposition MSPs however insisted the Scottish Government should be more focused on issues such as the cost of living crisis.

Scottish Conservative constitution spokesman Donald Cameron said: “Nicola Sturgeon is wilfully ignoring Scotland’s priorities to push ahead with plans for a second divisive independence referendum in 2023.

“The vast majority of Scottish people don’t want the distraction of another referendum next year. They want the government 100% focused on our recovery from the pandemic, the global cost-of-living crisis, supporting our NHS and protecting jobs […]

Labour constitution spokeswoman Sarah Boyack said that while people were “struggling to put food on the table during the worst cost of living crisis in a decade” the SNP and Greens were focusing on “their constitutional obsession” […]

Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Alex Cole-Hamilton was also critical of the SNP and Greens, claiming: “They care more about their independence obsession than everyone stuck on the longest NHS waiting lists in history, the cost of living crisis or the climate emergency. Nobody believes education is Nicola Sturgeon’s top priority any more.

The Independent

More notably, Sturgeon is also breaking her sworn word.

As a constitutional stand-off between the Prime Minister and Ms Sturgeon now seems inevitable, a document signed by the SNP leader, which promises that the last referendum would be a “once-in-a-generation opportunity” has resurfaced […]

Referencing this Edinburgh Agreement, the White Paper – also signed by former First Minister Alex Salmond – said: “The Edinburgh Agreement states that a referendum must be held by the end of 2014.

“There is no arrangement in place for another referendum on independence.

Politic Mag

But then, national socialists have rather a track record of breaking their solemn promises as soon as it suits them.
