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They’re Here, They’re Queer and on a Mission to Sneer

No one should be surprised by the mockery from the Olympics – it’s all part of the War on Christianity.

Just another front in the War on Christianity. The Good Oil. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

With hindsight, the only surprising thing about the furore over the Olympics opening ceremony was that anyone was surprised by it. The worship of ugly perversity is as de rigeur in the modern, globalist West as Roman salutes in the Third Reich. The endless fetishising of drag queens is as tiresome and unfunny as Taika Waititi’s honk-honk ‘comedy’ of Nazis Heil Hitler-ing in a feedback loop, in the drearily dull film Jojo Rabbit.

A key detail too-often missed in the ensuing controversy is the self-designation of ceremony artistic director, Thomas Jolly: queer. The term queer should not be mistaken as a synonym for ‘homosexual’ any more. As I once heard a grim lesbian woman running a workplace indoctrination session emphasise, “I’m not a lesbian, I’m queer.

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