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A Muslim woman carrying an antisemitic sign in Melbourne. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Has there ever been a more useless, nasty bunch of wreckers in Australia’s parliament than the Albanese government and the Greens? The Greens at least have the poor excuse of being genetically programmed to blindly follow violent extremists, from the founding of the Green movement by ex-Nazis, to the Australian party’s embrace of everything from Stalinism to Islamism.

What’s Labor’s excuse?

Votes, basically. The ALP desperately needs the votes of Australia’s Muslim heartland, Western Sydney (where Muslim mobs set off fireworks to celebrate the October 7 pogrom, and chanted “Gas the Jews!”), every bit as much as it cannot afford to bleed more far-left votes to the Greens.

This explains, not just Anthony Albanese’s gutless fence-setting, but Foreign Minister Penny Wong’s disgusting pandering to the anti-Semitic left.

Amost alone among Israel’s friends, Australia’s Foreign Minister has not visited Israel since the October 7 terrorist attacks. In fact, in 18 months in office, Penny Wong has not once visited the Middle East.

The Australian

But, like Golriz Ghahraman, Wong has plenty of time to pose for chummy selfies with genocidists.

In a recent photo posted to her official social media account, Wong stands next to Nasser Mashni, the president of the Australian Palestinian Advocacy Network. Last week it was revealed Mashni has a history of demonising Jewish people and as recently as last year he called for the destruction of Israel.

“The power structures that exist in the world all focus upon Zionism,” Mashni said on his radio show.

Mashni is repeating the anti-Jewish propaganda of the Soviets, who simply took Nazi propaganda and substituted “Zionism” for “Jews”.

Try for just a moment to imagine the shrieking outrage from the media if a Coalition minister had posed for selfies with a neo-Nazi who had called for Jews to be murdered on a radio show. But when the Jew-hating Nazism is wearing brownface, the media-left chatterers cheer it on.

But Wong is doing even worse than that.

On Friday night a pro-Palestinian mob descended on Caulfield, in the heart of Melbourne’s Jewish community, and incited anti-Semitic violence on the 85th anniversary of Kristallnacht.

In response to this grotesquerie, Foreign Minister Penny Wong released a social media post condemning “anti-Semitism and Islamophobia”.

The Australian

Wong’s revolting moral equivalence is even worse when considered in the context of the open and rising anti-Semitic violence in Australia and across the Western world. Jews have been murdered in the US, synagogues shot at in Canada, and Jewish centres firebombed in Auckland.

In Australia, not just Jews, but even war memorials are under attack by anti-Semitic hate-mongers. On Remembrance Day, no less.

A war memorial in Melbourne was desecrated on Remembrance Day by anti-Israel graffiti, as tens of thousands have attended pro-Palestine protests across the country.

Daily Mail

Anti-Semitism is becoming more and more emboldened under the guise of “pro-Palestine”. Marchers in Melbourne repeated the infamous signs seen in Europe, calling for “cleansing” the world of Jews.

A Muslim woman carrying an anti-Semitic sign in Melbourne. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Violent threats against Jews are becoming commonplace.

The image of an Islamic State ­terrorist with a knife in his hand about to behead a hostage in Syria was sent to Australia’s peak Jewish body with the words “We are coming for you soon, from western Sydney” […]

In the Jewish Melbourne suburb of Caulfield, where Palestinian demonstrators attacked pro-Israel supporters on Friday, two young Jewish men were assaulted by a group of men of Middle Eastern appearance just after midnight on Saturday who told the victims they had come to Caulfield because of the “protests”.

In the NSW city of Newcastle, the home of a Jewish Rabbi was defaced with graffiti urging people to “Kill the Jews this morning” while in Sydney’s Surry Hills the Shaffa restaurant was subjected to a graffiti attack with “child murder” written on its walls.

Thousands of pro-Palestinian demonstrators in Melbourne’s CBD on Sunday, calling for Israel to stop its attacks in Gaza, but the rally also included anti-Semitic signs.

One included a depiction of a man throwing the Jewish Star of David into a bin with “Let’s clean the world from Rubbish”, while another compared Gaza with the Auschwitz concentration camp where more than a million Jews were murdered.

The Australian

Remember what the left is so fond of piously lecturing everyone else: if there’s just one Nazi at your rally and no one objects, it’s a Nazi rally.

By their own metric, there are tens of thousands of Nazi leftists rallying in Melbourne, Sydney, and Auckland, every week.
