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The BFD.
I have just been listening to a report of a complaint made about a picture in an art gallery of a bare breasted “white” woman wearing a moko. The gallery apologised and withdrew the picture when it was explained to them how offensive and culturally inappropriate this was.
Christians are still waiting for an apology for displaying the “virgin in a condom” at the opening of Te Papa. The outrage it roused was welcomed by the then director who rejoiced that it had focused so much attention on the display. The many who protested were ignored. Have things changed now?

Via e-mail to The BFD


Labour’s Antisemitism Problem

Labour’s Antisemitism Problem

Labour in the UK had a terrible anti-Semitism issue, so much so they needed an inquiry and the removal of some MPs. Labour in New Zealand seems to have a similar issue, but are strangely silent on the issue, even as their MPs signal support for the genocidal attacks against Israel on Oct 7.

Members Public
Moron of the Day

Moron of the Day

Judge Harding told Richard Sivell the maximum penalty for threatening to kill is seven years imprisonment. Sivell will be sentenced on 07 January.

Members Public