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Things That Never Happen, Happen #27

Bob and Ted and Fido and Dobbin. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

For all that we’re finger-wagged that transgenderism isn’t a fetish or a mental illness, there seem to be an awful lot of trannies behaving like, well, mentally-ill fetishists.

It would be one thing, though, if they were just getting off on cross-dressing in the privacy of their own bedrooms. But when they’re threatening women and running amok in the streets, that’s another thing altogether.

Much as the MSM and activists might deny it, cross-dressing loonies are running amok far more than anyone should have to put up with.

And when they leer, “We’re Coming For Your Kids”, well… they mean it. In the worst possible way.

A high school track athlete in Bridgeport, West Virginia, has joined an ongoing lawsuit challenging the inclusion of trans-identified males in female sports. The student, Adaleia Cross, identified in the declaration as “A.C.,” alleges that fellow track team member Becky Pepper-Jackson, a boy who claims to identify as a girl, made several sexually abusive and vulgar remarks about her, which caused her “deep distress.”

It’s depressingly common that men who decide they’re women by their middle age have a shocking history of abusive behaviour towards women. Now they’re started even younger.

According to a statement by the 15 year-old girl added as evidence to the lawsuit State of Tennessee, et al v. Cardona, et al (U.S. Secretary of Education) on May 8, Pepper-Jackson, 13 years-old and identified as B.P.J., made “several offensive and inappropriate sexual comments” towards Cross. The harassment escalated, she said, during their final year of middle school, when “the comments became much more aggressive, vile, and disturbing.”

The suit alleges that Pepper-Jackson would say “suck my dick” to both the complainant and other girls on the team.

“During the end of that year, about two to three times per week, B.P.J. would look at me and say ‘suck my dick.’ There were usually other girls around who heard this. I heard B.P.J. say the same thing to my other teammates, too,” Cross said.

“B.P.J. made other more explicit sexual statements that felt threatening to me. At times, B.P.J. told me quietly ‘I’m gonna stick my dick into your pussy.’ And B.P.J. sometimes added ‘and in your ass,’ as well. These comments were disturbing and caused me deep distress.”

The sexual abuse took place while Pepper-Jackson shared a locker room with the teen girls.

Big surprise: a boy so desperate to get into the girls’ locker room that he pretends to be a girl, is an abusive creeper. Who could have foreseen that?

Even worse, though, the pervert teen tranny gets coddled by the school authorities.

Concerned, Cross reported the sexual comments to her track coach and to school administrators. However, “nothing changed,” she said, and Pepper-Jackson “got very little or no punishment” for saying things other students would be penalized for.


Instead, the girls — the victims — were punished when they refused to compete against the creepy boy. They were banned from all future track events. It took West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey to step in and restore at least a modicum of sanity by striking down the ban on the girls.

The predation by the rainbow groomers doesn’t end there, of course.

A gay couple who co-founded a Swiss LGBTQIA+ youth organization are being investigated by the public prosecutor after sexually exploiting two teenagers who were in their care. The men had created locations for their youth group, Sozialwerk.LGBT+, for children aged 13 and up in the city of Chur and in the municipality of Buchs, Switzerland […]

Numerous documents substantiate what happened in the group, including text messages, emails and voice messages, reports Tages-Anzeiger. Founded in 2020, Sozialwerk.LGBT has received public funding to set up facilities for at-risk youth as young as 13 who believe they are LGBT+ […]

Holger Niggemann has also been the managing director of ‘queer youth’ center treff.LGBT, and has worked with children within the national education system.

How does this keep happening?

LGBT Youth Scotland, formerly the Stonewall Youth Project, is known as Scotland’s national charity for “LGBTI young people.” The organization works with youth aged 13 to 25, and delivers programs to schools, organizations and businesses. The charity was founded in 1989 and renamed in 2003, the same year a notorious pedophile, James Rennie, became the Chief Executive Officer.

In 2009, Rennie was found guilty and given “lifelong restriction” orders after it was discovered he was operating what was described as Scotland’s “largest pedophile network.”


What. A. Surprise.

I mean, it’s not as if the founder of the Australian “LGBTQIA+ youth” organisation wasn’t up on molesting charges, too, before he died, circumventing a trial.

In another one of the seemingly endless cavalcade of trannies behaving badly, another cross-dressing crazy apparently randomly murdered a man in Houston.

Disturbing video footage shows up the moment a crazed woman man hit a man with her his car — then backed over him, before getting and kissing his lifeless body then stabbing him repeatedly.

The suspect has been identified by authorities as 20-year-old Karon Fisher, who is reportedly a transgender woman.

Steven Anderson, 64, was on his way to pick up the mail in his Houston neighborhood on May 3 when a white vehicle sped down the road and appeared to swerve in order to strike him, footage obtained by Eyewitness News showed.

The car then reserved and struck Anderson a second time, shoving his body further down the street.

Frantic witnesses soon emerged into the frame, some of whom pulled out their phones while another came outside with a pillow, which they appeared to use to cover Anderson’s body.

Suddenly, the driver returned to the scene and flipped Anderson’s body over, straddled him, and kissed him before stabbing him nine times.

Fisher – who was dressed in a black bra and high-waisted black shorts – then tried to get into another car while horrified witnesses looked on, according to cops.

New York Post

But it’s totally not a mental illness, or a fetish. And it’s certainly not being weaponised by predators. Don’t believe your lyin’ eyes.
