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Things That Never Happen, Happen #28

Why does this just keep happening?

A fine, upstanding example of womanhood. The Good Oil. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

For all that we’re told transvestism and transsexualism are not mental illnesses, the nexus between them seems disturbingly clear. Criminology studies show a clear link between transvestism and sexually sadistic murderers. A 1988 study found a ‘high frequency of genital and gender dysphoria in sexual homicide perpetrators’.

It should be borne in mind of course that because ‘many predators are gender dysphoric’ does not logically entail that ‘all gender dysphorics are predators’. But just too hard to not notice just how many of them are.

A transgender prisoner Dean Angus Bell, who now identifies as Jessica Isabelle Rose, has been charged with running a child abuse ring from inside Junee Correctional Centre, NSW.

The 31-year-old was arrested after a four-month investigation into the production and dissemination of child abuse material by inmates.

This raises a number of questions, not least: how on Earth is someone running a pedo ring from inside jail? Including producing child-abuse material?

Authorities claim that Rose, self-styled as ‘Leader of The Pack,’ orchestrated a group called ‘The Pack’ from within the prison, encouraging the exchange of letters that detailed real-life child abuse incidents and plans for future crimes upon release.

NSW Police have alleged that the correspondence from Rose to other inmates included discussions of murder, raising further concerns about the severity of the ring’s activities.

It appears that the material in question consisted of ‘shar[ing] letters detailing real-life experiences abusing children, along with plans to commit further crimes upon release. Police allege murder was mentioned in one of the letters.’

NSW Police allege Ms Rose directed the group from her prison cell, writing letters detailing child abuse before sending them to other inmates.

The other big question is: why do so many of these vile predators ‘transition’ once they’ve been caught?

Ms Rose is in the midst of a prison term for using a carriage service to access child abuse material, and for breaching an extended supervision order.

She transitioned genders while in custody and was housed in an all-male prison.

A modicum of sanity, at least. Unlike other jurisdictions, where pedos and rapists who put on some lippy and a dress immediately get turned loose in a women’s prison.

It’s almost like they know ‘transitioning’ is a state-sponsored free ticket to the all-you-can-rape buffet.

Jorven Seren, a violent male who identifies as a trans woman, was convicted of indecently assaulting a child and possession of 460 images of child sexual abuse. Seren was jailed for 15 months in December 2016.

Seren, 55, asked to be referred to as a woman in court and sucked their thumb throughout the trial after a 3ft doll brought to court was taken away [...]

Under the name Janiel Verainer, the paedophile was again convicted of similar offences in 2021. In court the defendant claimed to identify as a five-year-old female child named Jorven Seren, this is presumably an alias that was used by media in 2016 without also printing the defendant’s actual name.

Despite a psychiatric report finding that Seren claimed a non-existent ‘adult-child syndrome’, the judge made no comment on his contemptuous behaviour in court, including dressing as a pantomime elf, and sucking his thumb and a pink baby’s dummy.

Clearly, if a male predator pretends to be female, they can get away with anything.

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