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Third Poll Confirms Labour’s Slide

Last night saw the third poll in a week confirm the slide in support for Labour as they continue to burn support through their hopeless handling of the Delta outbreak.

The 1News poll also shows that the strategy of undermining leader Judith Collins by the sad-sack losers in Simon Bridges’ camp (Bridges, Paul Goldsmith and Mark Mitchell) has failed. The past month has also seen their pals in the media (Claire Trevett, Thomas Coughlan, Matthew Hooton, Ben Thomas and Janet Wilson) busily throwing up negative story after negative story in the hopes of spiking Judith Collins.

The last 1 News-Colmar Brunton Poll was run between 22-26 September and had Labour at 43 and National at 26.

Act was on 14, while the Greens were on 8.

They have all failed as this poll, like the other two, has seen Labour slump and the centre-right, including National rise.

Jacinda Ardern and her party have taken a hit in the latest 1News Colmar Brunton Poll, revealing a drop in Labour’s support to 41% and Ardern as preferred Prime Minister to 39%.

National is still behind on 28%, rising two points since September’s poll, the party’s leader Judith Collins has plunged to a new low in her approval rating, of -31.

Party support:

Labour Party: 41% (down 2%-points)

National Party: 28% (up 2%)

ACT: 14% (steady)

Green Party: 9% (up 1%)

New Zealand First: 3% (steady)

Te Paati Maori: 1% (down 1%)

New Conservative: 1% (steady)

TOP: 1% (steady)

Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party: 1% (up 1%)

Don’t know: 7%

Refused: 2%

*Percentages do not add to 100 due to rounding.

1News/Colmar Brunton

The gap was 16% in May and is now just 6%. A 3% swing and the government changes. That is easily doable in two years as the government, with its legacy of failure to deliver on any signature policies, will find that no one believes any big new promises.

New Zealand basically has a six-year election cycle, split into two halves of three years each. If you play OK in the first half you get to play in the second half. Only Labour in 1972 failed to get a second term. If you still play OK in the second half then you get to play another half of three years. Since Keith Holyoake, no New Zealand Government has managed to play four halves. Ardern’s government is heading for a benching if they can’t halt that slide.

And in even worse news for Simon Bridges, he’s about as popular as week-old dog sick behind the sofa. Even Winston Peters scored the same as him and he’s not even in Parliament.

Preferred PM:

Jacinda Ardern: 39% (down 5%-points)

David Seymour: 11% (steady)

Judith Collins: 5% (steady)

Christopher Luxon: 4% (up 1%)

Chloe Swarbrick: 2% (up 1%)

Simon Bridges: 1% (down 1%)

Winston Peters: 1% (steady)

Don’t know: 26% (up 5%)

Refused: 2% (down 1%)

Ardern dropped down by 5%-points.

National, with the exception of three foolish idiots, seems to finally be firing. There are two years to go until the next election, clawing their way up two to three points at a time will get them there.

Simon Bridges also has several weeks as the star witness in a high profile fraud case next year where I’m told up to five QCs are salivating at the chance to cross-examine him. Caucus members should keep that in the back of their minds if entertaining any possible attempts at further destabilisation by Bridges.

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