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Mark Dreyfus hands out another Get Out of Jail Free card. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

You know, once could be excused as bad luck. Twice as a mistake. Three, though…?

Labor Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus has so far: overseen the panicked release of over one hundred violent foreign criminals from detention, with at least six re-arrested within weeks for offences including violent sex attacks and offences against children. Dreyfus’ office also failed to prepare a case ready to impose supervision rules on a convicted terrorist until just three days before the jihadi was due to be released from prison.

Now, he’s done it again.

A terrorist who spent eight years in jail for his part in a plot to kill police officers and wage “gorilla” (sic) warfare in the Blue Mountains is set to be released from prison on Friday with no control order, sparking fears his unmonitored release could pose a danger to the community.

Mohamed Al Maouie, who at the time of his offending was inspired by Islamic State and al-Qa’ida-like ideology, is set to be released from the maximum security Macquarie Correction Centre on Friday morning following the expiration of his sentence.

And where is our intrepid Attorney-General? Yet again, missing in action.

Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus, who is responsible for applying for various orders designed to protect the community when a high-risk terrorist offender is released into the community, has not applied for a continuing detention order or a supervision order in advance for Al Maouie.

The Australian can reveal another convicted terrorist, Belal Betka, was released on Monday without any control orders. Betka, who pleaded guilty to engaging in hostile activity in a foreign country, was sentenced in 2020 to a maximum of three years and eight months after travelling to war-torn Syria to join Islamic State “to do humanitarian work”.

The Attorney-General also withdrew an application for an extended supervision order of convicted terrorist Youssef Uweinat after a court denied an application for an interim supervision order.

Uweinat, who was released in November, touted Islamic State propaganda and called for the “head of every tyrant”. The Australian understands that due to the denial of the interim order there was no lawful basis to make a further application.

It’s almost as if this cretinous government wants violent jihad in Australia.

Opposition legal affairs spokeswoman Michaelia Cash questioned whether Australians could trust the Albanese government to handle the risk of terrorism and violent extremism, especially leading into Christmas.

“It is inexplicable why the Attorney-General has not applied for either a continuing detention order or extended supervision order. He needs to immediately explain to the Australian people the reasons for his inaction,” Senator Cash said.

Except, as we’ve seen, asking Dreyfus to apologise or explain himself only results in a torrent of abuse.

“There is now a clear pattern of behaviour from this government. In just the past three weeks we’ve learned that the government has bungled a series of separate terrorist cases.
“How many more convicted terrorists will be released into the Australian community?”

The Australian

As many as it takes to shore up Labor’s critical voting bloc in Muslim Western Sydney, apparently.
