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This Government Will Crash and Burn

The BFD. Cartoon Credit BoomSlang

The longevity of the current government has nothing to do with the Nats’ rearranging their chairs on the Titanic or the suppression of our rights after Christchurch and during Covid. The CoL’s demise will happen when the failing economy inevitably hits rock bottom.

Gratitude to the prime minister for preventing tens of thousands of deaths from COVID blinded many to the police state Ardern introduced; the unnecessary closure of many small businesses who would have happily adopted safe practices to stay open; and the illegality of the police in the early days of lockdown. Instead of questioning repressive legislation many would have fallen at Ardern’s feet and kissed them with gratitude.

But they were wrong. The Ardern government will go down as opportunists who thrust us into socialism. After Christchurch, legal gun owners were forced to hand their guns in while criminals kept theirs, and during the COVID lockdown landlords’ rights were eroded.

Stuff reports a Whangarei retired couple are forced to live in a caravan park after they sold their home and were prevented by new legislation from moving into the house they purchased because the tenants cannot be evicted. That same legislation is insisting that the owner of an Auckland rental upgrade their tenanted house even though the property is destined for demolition.

We have been duped. Our money is dispersed like confetti in the wind but when the money runs out, because there is no return on money badly invested, it will be too late for the economy.

Ballooning welfare dependency and squandering money is the legacy of this government. It is digging a hole big enough to bury us, and the longer it takes for New Zealand to wake up to tax, tax, tax, spend, spend, spend being unsustainable, the worse the damage will be.

Harry Dent, author of “Boom and Bust” was on the AM show this week. He predicted the 2008 collapse and warned us that we are staring down the barrel of our next financial collapse.

Dent disagrees with our government’s analysis, which is supported by Treasury and Reserve Bank, that predicts we will be out of the financial crisis and back to normal by the end of next year.

Dent predicts we won’t be out of a financial downturn until the next boom which he predicts will occur between 2023 and 2036. We are not going to recover over the next three years.

According to Dent, a recession like we saw in the thirties cleans out bad businesses and bad banks and gets rid of debt. All good in the long term, but very painful in the short term.

If the government lives up to their past performances they will crash and burn. Only when this kindergarten mentality government is relegated to the opposition benches can reforms be made to the draconian legislation. Then we can rebuild from the ground up.

The rebuild belongs to politicians who understand that our economic future lies in the neglected farming industry, the lucrative oil and gas industry and manufacturing (now forced overseas).

We do have a template for redefining New Zealand. Donald Trump provides it with America first. Trump deems churches essential business under lockdown. We need politicians who support New Zealand before the UN, the WHO or China.

The U.S. is the largest single government WHO donor and Trump is on their case, accusing them of being the lapdog of Beijing. Trump has suspended WHO funding until a COVID investigation is complete.

“Trump quite politely but firmly issues his warning. “If the WHO does not commit to major substantive improvements within the next 30 days,” he says, “I will make my temporary freeze of U.S. funding to the WHO permanent and reconsider our membership in the organization. I cannot allow American taxpayer dollars to continue to finance an organization that, in its present state, is so clearly not serving America’s interests.”

Trump is right. What is happening to the world is a disaster not directly of any nation’s making.

Still, this disaster has been made far worse than it might have been by two political entities: the Chinese Communist Party and the World Health Organization.

The idea that American wealth should be sacrificed to the latter so that it can continue to serve the former is absurd. Trump has put the WHO on notice. The WHO must now decide what it values more: the truth and global health or its continued shallow service of Chinese President Xi Jinping.”

The writer for the Washington Examiner is correct. Would that we had politicians here who would look after our interests with such determination and commitment.
