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The endless quest for fancy identities is fuelling a bonfire of woke vanity. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Remember when football players played football? No, neither do I. For the last decade and more, professional sport in Australia has become nothing but a bandwagon for every “progressive” nonsense under the rainbow, with the occasional match almost as an afterthought.

Once again, wokeism is making a laughing-stock out of Australia’s National Rugby League. And, once again, “inclusion” is turning out to be really nothing but bullying groupthink and ostracism.

Rugby league’s first inclusion game is so inclusive that it will include everyone – except Christian players.

Half the Manly Sea Eagles team are refusing to wear a gay pride jumper in Thursday night’s game against the Sydney Roosters. The seven players are understood to be Josh Aloiai, Jason Saab, Josh Schuster, Haumole Olakau’atu, Tolutau Koula, Christian Tuipulotu and Toafofoa Sipley. All are deeply religious.

Compare the treatment of the Christian players to Muslim players who refused to participate in events because of their religion.

Just on that, it’s interesting to note that Muslim AFLW player Haneen Zreika was allowed to sit out a gay pride game earlier this year with barely any controversy. In fact, she was widely congratulated for standing by her faith with dignity and a minimum of fuss.

And when Australian cricketer Usman Khawaja hesitated joining celebrations after winning the Ashes, his teammates were widely praised for delaying the traditional spraying of beer out of respect for his Muslim faith so he could join them on the winner’s dais.

As the great Australian journalist Jack Marx once said, “Since when did the love that dare not speak its name become the love that just can’t shut the fuck up?”

Ironically, it is the gay activists making an issue of sexuality, not the religious players […]

To continue banging on about this is regressive, not progressive. We agree with gay rights activists that sexuality doesn’t matter.

The Australian

Even a great many gay people are absolutely fed up with the imbecilic “Pride” crap.

AM co-host Ryan Bridge […] who was publically outed as gay while live on-air in 2019 – suggested imposing a set of beliefs on others would simply undermine the intention of the jersey.

“If they don’t want to wear the jersey then what’s the big issue?” said Bridge. “Why would we force them to wear it?

[…] “Forcing these guys to wear a rugby jersey – what is that achieving?”


Gay folks on Twitter are just as fed up.

As for the bullying activists:

If governments pour millions into a month-long “celebration””of you, if corporations slavishly crawl for your approval, and if people are forced to adopt your symbol, or else: You’re not “marginalised”, and you’re not “oppressed”.

You’re the Establishment. You’re the oppressor.

Now, shut up, and let football players play football.
