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Tea. Photoshopped image credit Wibble. The BFD.



Treaty settlements have not been popular amongst those of us who know what a con game it all is: the fake history; the fake law; the gravy train which keeps on giving to grifters of all sorts. Even worse was the predictable situation whereby elitists ended up with all the money; paying themselves huge salaries and bonuses whilst Maori children go hungry. It really has been a thoroughly sickening humbug.

The only saving grace was the knowledge that sooner or later the taxpayers would eventually get all the money back. A couple of Maori tribes have already blown all their money, and just last week a sticky-fingered “investment advisor” was sent to prison for fraud against his tribe.

So imagine my delight, dear reader, to see on the TV3 news website that there are plans to “turbo charge” the return of taxpayers’ money in double-quick time – oops, I mean the Maori party are demanding the establishment of a “Maori bank”.

According to the article, Maori are not getting access to capital to develop Maori land and build housing because Parliament passed a law which prevents Maori land from being sold. Accordingly Maori land cannot be used as security for loans. (Oh and banks are racist).

Never fear, because the leadership of the Maori party have decided that prudent laws of banking are no longer relevant and wishful thinking will prevail. Instead of a loan being advanced in the customary fashion, a Maori bank can just make loans sans security and hope for the best. What could possibly go wrong?

In the same way in which Grant Robertson and Jacinda Ardern simply ‘declare’ various things to no longer be so, especially if there is something “unkind” which causes tears and sniffs in the Beehive, and magically all problems are solved (ahem), several thousand years of standard practice within banking can be declared no longer to be so – and all will be well.

Now I am not one, dear reader, to deliberately take advantage of prize bunnies who have absolutely no idea what they are doing and relieve them of their hard-earned money, as shooting fish in a barrel is no fun. However, imagine the consequences of such a bank. Imagine the huge opportunities to earn huge profits for yourself whilst simultaneously bankrupting all the tribes when they inevitably fail to make payments on their loans.

Someone will be enormously lucky in supplying materials, labour, consultancy services, and numerous other things – all at inflated prices – because of the unlimited credit provided by the Maori bank.

I give it two years and inevitably bankruptcy before things have gone full circle. The taxpayers will get their money back and the Maori tribes will be back to where they were a century ago.

Some people are about to get a lesson in how cruel socialism really is.

Tea. Photoshopped image credit Wibble. The BFD.


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