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This Is What the Left Are Defending

If the left will blindly defend this, they’ll defend anything. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Remember when the left vehemently asserted that transgender laws would never lead to perverts lurking in women’s change rooms and attempting to sexually assault little girls?

Yeah, we all know how that has ended.

A transgender person wanted for exposing their naked, half-erect penis to women in two separate changing room incidents in Los Angeles has been arrested after more than 15 months on the run.

This is, in fact, the man whom the left violently defended when he exposed himself to women and underage girls at a spa.

Media Matters for America hinted that it was a made-up conspiracy to “attack transgender rights”, while Slate outright labelled it a “transphobic hoax”. The Washington Post and Guardian also joined in the attack on women who complained. Antifa activists provoked violence outside the spa, leading to several stabbings and bashings.

All this, to defend a convicted sex criminal flashing his boner at little girls.

The suspect, 53-year-old Darren Agee Merager, had been charged with five felony counts of indecent exposure for the incidents – including an infamous altercation at Wi Spa, where Merager exposed herself [himself*] to several women, including an underage girl.

Merager – a convicted sex criminal who identifies as a woman – had previously rebuffed the allegations, claiming to be a victim of transphobia.

Just as suddenly as it had become a cause celebre for the Groomer Left, the story completely disappeared. We don’t have to wonder why.

Merager’s previous sex crimes continued to come to light. Eventually, Merager was unmasked as a registered sex offender, convicted for similar incidents in 2002 and 2003.

Also unearthed was a warrant for the sex pest’s arrest for a separate locker room incident in December 2018, and a laundry list of offenses stretching nearly two decades, including burglary and trespass.

Last Tuesday, more than year after going on the lam in September 2021 – three months after the Wi Spa incident – Merager was booked by LA police for the spa and pool incidents, with a bail set at $350,000. He remained incarcerated Monday.

*I refuse to participate in the lie of calling men “she” or “her”. As Theodore Dalrymple has said, “To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself”.

Not only that, it leads supposedly trained journalists to concoct grammatically tortured sentences like this:

A biological male, Merager – who said he would fight his case in court before suddenly going on the run in September 2021 – faces 11 charges in total for the pair of incidents, where she allegedly used his status as a transgender woman to access women’s changing areas and show his partially erect penis to those inside.

Daily Mail

In a single sentence, the same person — acknowledged as male — is referred to by both “his” and “she”.

This is your brain on transgenderism. The outraged women in the Wi Spa video suffered no such derangement: “He’s a man! He is a man!”

A sick, perverted, criminal man preying on children.

Of course he became a hero to the Groomer Left.
