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This Is Why the West Is Losing

The sleazy narcissism of the Olympics opening ceremony is just the tumescent head of a festering sore.

No wonder the IOC have deleted it in embarrassment. The Good Oil. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

God save us from the consequences of virtue-signalling politicians. When Angela Merkel tried to fill the childless void in her life by posing as the “Mutti” of a million man Muslim invasion of Europe. What John III Sobieski had stopped at the gates of Vienna, Merkel surrendered to without a shot.

How is Europe doing, since? A shocking spike in rapes, with the notable exception of Eastern Europe, which ‘migrants’ tend to avoid because, 1) the welfare lifestyle is nowhere near as cushy, and 2) the locals are far less likely to keep wittering ‘refugees welcome’ while their underage daughters are being groped by gangs of Muslim men.

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