I am feeling incredibly depressed and anxious these days. Admittedly, I have been incommunicado for quite a while, dealing with the ongoing decline and recent death of my elderly mum from dementia. Added to that is the even more recent death of my father-in-law, so my feelings are probably quite understandable.
However, what is weighing me down even further is the plethora of insidious propaganda and messaging that constantly bombards us, insinuating its evil tentacles into everything we read, see, hear, think and believe, to a point where it feels that nothing that was once considered honourable, ethical or “the right thing to do” is allowed to exist or even have a voice.
Just within the last couple of weeks, I can quickly list the following:
- More children’s books being bowdlerised for reasons of “sensitivity”
- An MP given compulsory re-education regarding climate change “science”
- Big companies, institutions or organisations jumping to amend “offensive” wording because of one or two complaints
- Two radio hosts prostrating themselves in apology for “getting it wrong” regarding appropriate pronouns and other terminology, and being required by radio bosses to undertake re-education, to obtain the “rainbow tick”
- Disney going woke
- White car drivers in Los Angeles getting the guilts about their cars’ emissions hurting black people, therefore cutting back on car trips. (No black people drive cars there? And all the pimps, gangsters and drug lords walk or take a bus?)
- Green MPs wanting more money for beneficiaries so they can “thrive” in a country that is desperately short of workers
- Gang members being allowed to rule a hospital car park and an IC ward.
- Drag queens reading stories to small children in public libraries.
- Women’s sport and athletics tied up in knots over demands they accept transgender men as normal women.
I could go on. Add to this all the rubbish being spouted and pushed by the Maori caucus and other activists in the last few years, including a new history curriculum for schools that is totally contemptible, He Puapua, as well as Three Waters, and it simply wears you down.
When daring to question or disagree with any of this excrement is rewarded with outraged shrieks of “Bigot!” or “Racist!”, often from those who I might once have regarded as otherwise sensible and intelligent, I am dumbfounded.
I would love SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE in the media or in prominent public positions to pin down all these loudmouthed demanders of everything they want, with one simple question, any time they stick their heads up.
That question is “WHY?” and it needs to keep being repeated until we have a satisfactory and acceptable answer.
‘Why do you drag queens want to read stories to small children in a public library?’ Wait for the answer and keep digging down with more questions, until hopefully, they run out of credible answers and maybe we then get to see the real agenda.
‘Why is the real history of New Zealand being sanitised in an educational programme?’ Keep digging down, as above.
The same approach needs to be taken with each and every one of these assaults on truth, common sense and the rights of the majority, and then equally applied to the departments, companies and institutions who meekly follow the policy dictates and persecute anyone who questions them.
I know we are preaching to the converted on this forum but when the likes of Facebook and the mainstream media also push the accepted narrative, and censor the ideas that don’t fit, where do we go? How do we push back in a meaningful way?
The last time I heard of “re-education”, and self-flagellating, kowtowing apologies to the masses, I was reading about the horrors of the Cultural Revolution in China.
So yes, I am depressed; I am sad, weighed down and angry. When I read about what else is demanding acceptance in the rest of the world, I am also scared.