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Thoughts on Baier vs Harris

This rhetoric has one purpose only: to guarantee that there will be mobs in the streets of every major US city. Republicans at every level should be saying this publicly.

Photo by Florian Olivo / Unsplash

Gary Bauer
Gary L Bauer is an opinion columnist at The Patriot Post, and is one of America’s most effective spokesmen for pro-life, pro-family, and pro-growth values.

Kamala Harris sat down Wednesday for her first Fox News interview – ever. This was an opportunity for Harris to introduce herself to independent and Republican voters. But if she was trying to appeal to those voters, she failed miserably. Her interview was a disaster.

The interview was cut short partly because Harris showed up late and because her staff frantically shut it down when they realized how badly it was going.

I had concerns about how Bret Baier would conduct the interview. I was pleasantly surprised. He asked serious questions, something Harris has never had to deal with before.

The Border

The first question Baier asked was about illegal immigration. He asked the “border czar” if she had any idea how many illegal aliens entered our country on her watch. She refused to answer, probably because she didn’t have a clue.

Baier pointed out that under her open border policies, illegal aliens came into our country and murdered American citizens. He played a video of grieving angel moms testifying about the horrific impact of open borders on their families. Baier asked Harris if she regretted repealing Trump’s border security measures.

Again, Harris dodged. She said she was sorry for their loss but offered nothing in terms of policy solutions to prevent other families from experiencing such tragic losses.

Even though she was the “border czar,” Harris did her best to deflect blame on anyone else. She said the first bill the Biden White House sent to Congress was legislation dealing with the broken immigration system. But Democrats, who controlled Congress at the time, refused to take it up because it was an amnesty bill.

Then Harris pivoted to a totally different immigration bill that was introduced this year, and she blamed Trump for killing it. It was a terrible bill, and, to his credit, Bret Baier pointed out that several Senate Democrats voted against it.

But blaming Trump makes absolutely no sense at all. He’s not been in charge the past four years.

The Coverup

Bret Baier brought up another topic that Harris has never addressed, yet it is central to her candidacy – Joe Biden. Baier asked, “When did you first notice that President Biden’s mental faculties appeared diminished?”

At first, Harris tried to defend Biden. But when Baier interjected, Harris deflected, saying, “Joe Biden is not on the ballot.”

Exactly! He’s not on the ballot because he was forced out of the race. And he was forced out of the race because he is an old man with a poor memory who “finally beat Medicare.”

It has been painfully obvious to the entire world that Joe Biden wasn’t up to the job. But Harris, Democrat leaders, and their media allies lied to the American people. The fact that “Joe Biden is not on the ballot” is proof of a massive coverup at the highest levels. And Kamala Harris was at the center of that coverup.

Her Radical Agenda

Harris was also pressed on her support for the radical LGBTQ agenda, including taxpayer funding of transgender surgeries for prison inmates. Baier noted that an ad the Trump campaign is running on this issue seems to be resonating with voters.

Harris tried to say that prisoners were getting taxpayer-funded transgender surgeries under Trump’s administration, too. She said, “You gotta take responsibility for what happens in your administration.”

First of all, Trump never promoted the insane idea as Harris has. Second, it never happened until the Biden/Harris administration.

But talk about chutzpah!

Harris spent the entire interview dodging responsibility for what happened in the Biden/Harris administration!

Harris was annoyed that the Trump campaign spent $20 million on ads slamming her support for transgender insanity. But by the time this campaign is over, Harris and her allies will likely spend at least $500 million on ads promoting the killing of preborn children.

Trump On Fox

Donald Trump was also interviewed on Fox News Wednesday. He participated in a town hall event with female voters, and the issue of men in women’s sports definitely resonated with them.

To the surprise of the moderator, every woman in the room said she was worried about biological men in women’s sports. One woman, with six granddaughters, asked Trump how he would deal with the issue. Trump said:

It’s so crazy. It’s so crazy… It’s such an easy question… We’re not going to let it happen… We stop it. We stop it. We absolutely stop it. You can’t have it.

I’ve heard serious people in the Republican Party saying, ‘Get away from this cultural stuff. Stay focused on the economy.’ As usual, the party elders are wrong.

In most polls, Trump generally has a 10-point lead on the economy. On this ‘cultural stuff’ that exposes the radicalism of the Democrat Party, the country is overwhelmingly with us, and it’s one reason why Trump is making gains among black men.

Fear and Violence

As we recently noted, the “joy” of the Harris/Walz campaign has been replaced by anger and fear. They have quadrupled down on the theme that Donald Trump is Hitler and will use the military to attack the American people. In her remarks at a Pennsylvania rally Wednesday, Harris said that Trump is “fascist to the core.”

The left has been lying about this for years – all the way back to the debunked Charlottesville hoax. That outrageous rhetoric has contributed to two assassination attempts. And, of course, they know this.

In the wake of the first attempt on Trump’s life at his rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, even leading Democrats said we needed to “cool down” the rhetoric.

But just days away from the election, they’re back to inflammatory, dangerous rhetoric. Constitutional republic-threatening rhetoric. Why?

Their ‘ace is the hole’ if they lose is to stoke enough violence to bring the country to its knees. In that atmosphere, there are a lot of possibilities as to how that could end.

This rhetoric has one purpose only: To guarantee that there will be mobs in the streets of every major US city. Republicans at every level should be saying this publicly.

It is the most un-American thing anyone could do.

Trump Was Right

During last month’s presidential debate, Donald Trump said crime under the Biden/Harris administration was up. He was immediately ‘fact checked’ by moderator David Muir, who said, “President Trump, as you know, the FBI says overall violent crime is coming down in this country.”

They’re not saying that anymore.

Without any announcement at all, the FBI released new data showing that crime was up 4.5 per cent in 2022, not down by 2.1 per cent as reported. They missed more than 80,000 violent crimes, including nearly 1,700 murders, 7,800 rapes, and 37,000 aggravated assaults.

Donald Trump was right, and David Muir owes him an apology!

Nobody could make sense of what the FBI was reporting. During the debate, Trump noted that the FBI’s figures were inaccurate because many cities are not reporting their crime statistics. Americans overwhelmingly said crime was rising. They were seeing it their own communities.

Once again, the Biden administration was telling us to believe the bureaucrats and not our own eyes. Now we have the biggest revision in history with zero explanation for why.

Professor Carl Moody has extensively studied crime in the United States. He was shocked by the FBI’s bizarre revision. He said:

I have checked the data on total violent crime from 2004 to 2022. There were no revisions from 2004 to 2015, and from 2016 to 2020, there were small changes of less than one percentage point. The huge changes in 2021 and 2022, especially without an explanation, make it difficult to trust the FBI data.

Welcome to the party, professor!

From the Russia collusion hoax to censoring the truth and spying on parents and churches, many Americans find it difficult to trust the FBI.

Christians Must Vote

The apathy and passivity of many pastors and Christians has been one of my greatest sources of frustration. The result, as I noted Wednesday, is that leftists are using the power of government to persecute men and women of faith.

Pro-life activists are being sent to jail. Christian ministries are being forced to pay for abortions and mutilating transgender surgeries. Christians are being forced to lie about biological reality. They are being denied opportunities to serve as adoptive or foster parents.

This is happening because too many men and women of faith are neglecting their responsibility as Christian citizens. But where is the virtue in allowing immorality to prevail?

The militant secular left has no tolerance for our faith and values. They are spending hundreds of millions of our tax dollars to promote the destruction of innocent life.

They are determined to indoctrinate your children with LGBTQ propaganda and take away your rights as parents to do anything about it.

They are determined to rip out Judeo-Christian values and sink us into neo-Marxism.

Pastors who have not spoken up against this will someday be wracked with guilt like the pastors who did not speak up in Nazi Germany.

There is a verse in Revelation that lists those who will be condemned to the fiery lake. The very first group is cowards.

Sadly, I believe cowardice is driving much of the apathy and lack of leadership in the church today.

This was originally published by The Patriot Post and republished by PA Pundits – International.


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