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grayscale photo of person holding glass
Photo by GR Stocks. The BFD.

“What is the price of Experience? Do men buy it for a song? Or wisdom for a dance in the street? No, it is bought with the price Of all that a man hath, his house, his wife, his children Wisdom is sold in the desolate market where none come to buy And in the wither'd field where the farmer ploughs for bread in vain”

(William Blake  1789 )

As a preamble to what follows I should state that I subscribe to the Judeo-Christian tradition that humans are a fallen species. There are no goodies and baddies. ‘All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.’ We are all the baddies.

As a species, our history draws a picture of general nastiness and foolishness. Politicians and those with a lust for power are undoubtedly the baddest of the bad but that doesn’t exonerate the rest of us simply because we look good in comparison. We have proven not only beyond reasonable doubt but beyond any shadow of a doubt whatsoever that left to our own devices we are incapable of not making a mess of things.

Here in little ol’ NZ my past votes were cast for the politicians and parties that I perceived were not as bad as the other lot. I was probably wrong. I have no heroes anymore. This does not mean that evil man cannot be good chess players.

On the global geopolitical stage, the news feed is full of the current shooting, bombing and general mayhem in the Ukraine. This is simply a tactic, a minor battle in a much larger war. There is no black and white in this chess game. There are many colours and the objective is to clear the board of pawns in order that the Kings, Queens and Castles can extend the game and enjoy more freedom of movement around the board.

Any so-called news from the conflict zone should be immediately disregarded. Even more so armchair strategists second-guessing tactics and objectives. It is a deadly diversion to occupy the minds and attention of those who have been hypnotised into the us and them mentality.  Everyone is encouraged to pick a side in the gladiatorial circuses of armed conflict when the real enemy is beside us in the stand.

The sanctions placed on Russia, which sits on over 30% of the world’s natural resources, have, as per the plan, played into the hands of both Putin and the globalist agenda. These gave Putin the ideal excuse to withhold Russian energy from the west and to trade that energy in rubles. After David struck down Goliath with a stone he took Goliath’s own sword and chopped off his head. In like manner, Putin has dispatched an already dying dollar. The financial system will collapse and Russia is a convenient scapegoat.

All while the war in Ukraine is marketed as the current thing in order to replace the pandemic that wasn’t.

The leaders of the West are waging a more subtle tactical war on their populace, continuing to politicise everything according to a preset agenda.

In Wellington, the current food bill before the House, like most recent legislation, further undermines freedom and individual sovereignty of New Zealanders. As usual, it flies well under the hijacked media radar. But don’t worry, 5G is coming and you’ll be able to download a Hollywood fantasy in just a few seconds.

Meanwhile, the powers that ought not to be, with the help of groundbreaking AI, will track your every move and analyse your every thought. Beware the hate speech police. Did anyone vote for this?

Naughty words. Cartoon credit BoomSlang. The BFD

Wars are fought by soldiers but won by generals and tactics. Starvation and poisoning have always been a more reliable tactic for victory than straight-up confrontation. Julius Caesar’s siege of Carthage is a good example.

Further illustrating the current extreme hypocrisy of everything: Saudi Arabia flying US jets continues a now seven-year campaign bombing the near defenceless country of Yemen into oblivion. Heard many reports of civilian casualties? Sanctions anyone?  War crimes perhaps?

In the West, though, we will be enjoying the fruits of further supply chain disruption, uncontrolled inflation, energy shortages, and increasing totalitarian state control from governments too busy being kind to be good.

In Europe, the pawns face the prospect of starving to death in the cold. There will be, of course, riots and chaos across the globe as more and more people realise the situation they have allowed themselves to be manipulated into. This will predictably solve nothing and is in itself part of the agenda. However, the gas heating will still be on in the House of Lords.

All the pawns grudgingly go along with it as they predictably march blindly towards their own destruction both temporal and spiritual on the false promise of freedom and an ever-elusive return to normal.

I find it difficult to accept that people can be so dumb and have written it off as widespread encephalitis caused by vaccine-induced prion disease… they may soon be leaving the game.

If Putin does not win the war in Ukraine he won’t be too upset. He has already won a much bigger war.

Bible readers, students of history, and those who have paid ‘the price of experience’ can see the signs and understand what is happening, for ‘there is nothing new under the sun’, but how many of these are there in the world? And what is the solution?

I wrote the following verse in 1993 and if ever there was a time in my life when I would like to be wrong it is now, but I fear this is not the case. I can find no pleasure in saying ‘I told you so’.

The Wake of the Corporate Way

A new age is here, let’s shout and let’s cheer, Success can be yours today. You can never be wrong, so just follow the throng, In the wake of the corporate way.Leading lives of excess, you’ll call it success, Whilst the priest and the sage have no say You’ll sail along, taught to sing the same song, In the wake of the corporate way.Now you must find the time to reprogram your mind, To a man-made god you must pray. Past truth counts for naught, you must think the new thought, In the wake of the corporate way.But you’ll find you’ve been fooled and by lords overruled, Your liberty taken away. When you look around, you’ll find it’s been drowned, In the wake of the corporate way.

© Worzel 1993
