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Time to Flush Out the DEI Military

If confirmed, Hegseth faces a Herculean task.

Peter Hegseth on deployment. The Good Oil. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

As the incoming Trump administration girds itself for the Herculean task of flushing clean the Augean stables of American democracy, one of the most fouled-up stalls is the military. What was once a bastion of middle America has become completely filthy with a decade of piled-up horse-shit from the Obama and Biden administrations.

I am a Black, gay veteran of the US Army’s Fourth Infantry Division and the recipient of the Combat Infantry Badge, so you can believe me when I say that the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion agenda started by President Barack Obama and accelerated by President Joe Biden has deeply weakened America’s armed forces to an extent that the average American citizen isn’t fully aware of […]

Much of what we’re seeing now can be traced to the 2011 repeal of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” law that banned gays and lesbians from serving openly in the military. It was an unjust law that I personally spoke out against, going so far as to chain myself to the White House fence during Obama’s first term in protest.

But this is the left we’re dealing with: give them a millimetre and they’ll seize a country mile. Remember how quickly ‘What two consenting adults legally do in their privacy is no one’s business’ became, ‘Let drag queens at your kids, or you’re a bigot.’ The only surprise is that everyone else keeps being surprised by it.

The once-admirable attempt to make America’s military a welcoming place to all transitioned into a Frankenstein's monster of wokespeak, declining standards, and politicized leadership spewing far-Left propaganda.

What Obama started, his puppet Biden went all-in on in 2021. Biden ordered a blatant purge-and-re-education campaign. The only thing he did different from Stalin was that he only sacked ‘counter-revolutionaries’, rather than sending them to the gulag or just shooting them on the spot.

The Biden Administration seemed hellbent on creating and fomenting racial division. For example, in February of 2021, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin directed DOD servicemembers and employees to conduct a “one day stand down” to discuss extremism with an extra focus on the alleged White Nationalism within the military’s ranks. General Mark Milley defended teaching Critical Race Theory at US Service Academies and testified to Congress about his desire to understand “white rage.”

Given the number of terror attacks committed in recent years by Muslims and other minorities serving and recently discharged military, it’s clearly not ‘white rage’ that Americans have to worry about.

[Milley] argued that it was critical to American security that taxpayer dollars were used to provide critical race theory to service members.

There’s more: The Department Of Defense Education Agency exists to operate K-12 schools in America and around the world for the children of service members. Former Chief DODEA DEI officer Kelisa Wing tweeted about how “exhausted” she is with “white folks in education sessions” and wrote a children’s book about “white privilege.” She was later reassigned, and her office disbanded. But it’s not just the racial DEI agenda that has infiltrated the military; open service by qualified gays and lesbians has been used to make way for a far more insidious LGBT agenda to be inserted into the military.

In May of 2021, The US Army released an official recruitment ad, a partially animated commercial featuring the active-duty daughter of two lesbians which was roundly mocked on social media. As Senator Ted Cruz remarked, “Holy crap. Perhaps a woke, emasculated military is not the best idea...” In 2023, the US Navy invited an active-duty drag queen to be a “Digital Ambassador.” Yeoman 2ndClass Joshua Kelley, who identifies as non-binary and goes by “Harpy Daniels” on social media, was appointed as the first of five Navy Digital Ambassadors in a pilot program.

And we wonder why America doesn’t win wars, any more.

But help is on the horizon: Pete Hegseth’s military experience, his veteran advocacy, and the communications skills honed by years at Fox News make him an excellent choice for Secretary of Defense […]

We urgently need to change course, which is where Pete Hegseth comes in.

Pete has been a friend and mentor of mine since my days as a regular commentator on Fox News. Of course he’s aware of my “identities,” but he has always been upstanding, supportive, and deeply interested in my take on the military as an enlisted soldier. We’ve spoken about unit cohesion, military readiness, and various media opportunities, and he’s asked me for input on his last book. But we’ve never once spoken about any identity other than that of a United States military veteran.

I believe – and I think it’s safe to say that Pete does too – that the only identity that truly matters is that of a proud American.

Which is why the left are so determined to prevent his confirmation. The last thing they want is for Americans to be proud of their country.

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