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Tired of the Politics? Then Watch This Show

Tired of seeing our PM’s face on TV against the backdrop of a fawning media? Want to hear something other than what lockdown level we’re on and the number of COVID-19 deaths?  Here’s the answer. It’s an Australian game show based on a British game show of the same name. The show I’m talking about is of course Lego Masters Australia.

Hosted by (actual!) comedian Hamish Blake and certified Lego expert Ryan “The Brickman” McNaught, it is like a breath of fresh air.

The rules are simple. Teams of two are given the task of creating something within a set timeframe out of Lego that both tells a story and shows off the contestants’ technical expertise and creativity.

As for the contestants they are all genuinely nice people and are picked because of their love for Lego and nothing else. No political correctness here. If you see a gay couple you know they’re on the show because of their Lego expertise, not because of their sexual orientation. And there is plenty of variety. Not only will you find gay couples, but also mother and daughters, life-long best friends, people of all ages etc.

There’s also no manufactured drama. You won’t find villains or producer-created conflict. Don’t get me wrong though, there is drama; such as when a build breaks as a contestant is moving it. And when that happens your heart sinks. You genuinely feel for the contestants. And speaking of builds …

The builds alone make the show worth watching. For someone who has trouble putting two Lego bricks together the creations are nothing less than awe-inspiring.

The show never takes itself too seriously. Hamish is absolutely brilliant in his role. Never one from shying away from teasing the contestants, he nevertheless always gets a laugh. The show is also part parody, having at least twice parodied the reality game show “Survivor” with Hamish calling “medic!” when someone happened to get a small cut to their finger.

But don’t just take my word for it. It has not only won the AACT award for best entertainment program but also the Realscreen Awards for best competition: quiz or game show.

Anyway, give it a go. And remember, The BFD sent you.

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