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To Experiment or Not to Experiment…

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Four midwives, NZDSOS and NZTSOS are challenging the order requiring them to be vaccinated against COVID-19. We contend that the order is not legally valid because the Act does not empower it to be made, if interpreted consistently with the right to refuse medical treatment under the Bill of Rights and the principle of legality. Our arguments at this Judicial review were recently rejected by the judge, on grounds that give us confidence in an appeal.

We are presently working with our legal team, giving due consideration to the many facets of our case, and the merits of taking our case further. Note this particular challenge is purely about the law claimed to support draconian measures, not the science, which continues to scream blue murder.

We find it deeply disturbing that The New Zealand Ministry of Health is still coercing health, education and other workers to take the Pfizer shot which, from overseas data, is largely ineffective at protecting citizens from infection by the ‘delta variant’ of Covid-19. This vaccine has also produced many severe side effects and has so far been linked to the deaths of over 250 New Zealanders and many life-changing injuries. As we learn more about vaccine complications, it is clear that the difference between serious injury and death is pure luck for many people. Again we challenge Medsafe to properly investigate, to PLEASE prove us wrong, instead of them hiding behind “not enough information”.

The government was earlier found guilty of breaching its own rules when they gave provisional consent for Pfizer Comirnaty so it quickly changed the law. Does that same cavalier explain why the Medsafe/CARM system is so lagging with its register of severe side effects and deaths linked to this vaccine? Medsafe and CARM are being regularly informed via members of the NZ Health Forum as to their latest ‘citizens database’ information, available on our website, and which is now including some children. What normal human would not want to investigate?

All our government does is to promote out-of-date scientific evidence and maximise the coersion to jab and boost everyone over and over from the cradle to the grave. And discredit any other treatments with mountains of real world evidence, and that WILL save lives if given early to high-risk patients. Throaties and waiting to go blue is the official approach apparently. So we are left to wonder: is it really just about drug company profits? We suspect not entirely, but expect to see PfizerMercktin approved at huge expense to the tax-payers any time soon, who will have to stump up also for welfare payments to the huge pool of talented and dedicated ( and SMART) people now forced out of work by the mandates. Unless Ardern et al have plans to punish us all further….

All so tragic, especially since there is growing evidence on the ground and from peerreviewed science that these vaccines do not prevent infection, nor transmission and do not make any difference in the number of Covid-19 cases. In fact a recent study of 68 countries in the European Journal of Epidemiology shows that highly vaccinated
countries such as Israel (now Pfizer-boosted) have the highest number of covid-19 cases per million inhabitants, and that overall the vaccine may be worsening things. The double-vaccinated in Scotland now comprise 89% of the deaths in a trend that has been increasing for months. Mr Seymour, perhaps you might ACT on their latest technical report in parliament, instead of advocating apartheid against the cautious.

The NZ health authorities refuse to let our doctors do what they are trained to do –including to ‘Do No harm’ with experimental drugs – but instead gets them before the New Zealand Medical Council if they speak out on any of these issues. We continue to hear from patients AND clinicians that CARM reports of suspected harm are not
being lodged.

And now, it’s the kids’ turn. To experiment or to not to experiment… why is it even a question?

Ongoing mountains of shame on anyone who contributes to the cover-ups, and we now await legacy media’s messaging that it is common for children to have heart attacks and strokes and that the “troubling” rise in death rates of people under 50 occurring in the most vaccinated countries is some sort of “mystery”. Check out proper journalists Mike Whitney and Alex Berenson on Denmark, Germany, Ireland and Israel, and listen to the Western Australia Premier. His hospitals are chocka, it ain’t covid and he is very worried about why.

It’s called Russian roulette for a reason. Bang.

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