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Today in Rock History is a music orientated segment where we would like to encourage readers to share their thoughts and tastes in music and discuss the various aspects of any music topic. This post is not limited to rock music. You are encouraged to bring anything music-related along that you would like to share, either by typing the name of a song and artist into the comments section or by sharing a youtube, Vimeo, Spotify or SoundCloud link. If you are unsure how to add a link, simply write the name of the song and the composer and someone may very well do it for you.

Music is a huge part of peoples lives even if we aren’t all music enthusiasts. Music is all around us in advertising, background noise in shops and on the streets. It’s inescapable when you have teenagers but for most of us, it is a huge part (if not a ritual) of our lives that we feel close to.

So kick back and enjoy Nechtan’s Today in Rock History playlist and see what new gems you discover.

Today in Rock History:

Born today in 1943, Christine McVie (nee Perfect) songwriter, singer and keyboardist with Chicken Shack and Fleetwood Mac.

Born today in 1947, Wilko Johnson (John Wilkinson) singer, songwriter and guitarist with Dr Feelgood and solo.

Born today in 1949, John Wetton singer, songwriter and bassist with many groups including Family, King Crimson, UK and Asia.

Born today in 1950, Eric Carr (Paul Caravello) drummer with Kiss.

Born today in 1952, Phil Kramer songwriter, singer and bassist with Iron Butterfly.

Today in 1969, Zager and Evans went to number 1 on the US singles chart with “In The Year 2525”.

Today in 1980, Billy Joel went to number 1 in the US with “It’s Still Rock And Roll To Me”.

Died today in 1983, Chris Wood saxophonist, flutist and keyboardist with Traffic aged 39.

Please feel free to share this article to a social media platform of your choice. Help keep rock alive!


You Best Jump Emily, Jump

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Facts and Fantasies

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