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Too Little, Too Late. Borders Closed.

The BFD.

The Government has finally decided to close our borders to all but citizens and permanent residents. They have finally done what they should have done with the original border controls less than a week ago:

New Zealand is closing its borders to everyone but citizens and permanent  residents in an attempt to stop the growth of coronavirus.

The ban is in place from 11.59pm on Thursday.

Partners and children of citizens or permanent residents are exempt from the ban, as are some health workers and humanitarian workers.

This announcement follows a Covid-19 cabinet meeting on Thursday and comes minutes after Australia banned all non-residents from its country.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern made the announcement on Thursday evening, acknowledging this was an unprecedented move in New Zealand’s  history.

“I’m not willing to risks here, and that’s why we’re making this decision tonight.”

She had discussed the move with Australian Prime Minister Scott  Morrison but did not know about his similar call for Australia before making her own.

The decision was made between 4pm and 5pm on Thursday.

Too little, too late.

Bear in mind that just one week ago the Prime Minister was happily prepared to attend March 15 commemorations. It was all smiles and feels, don’t panic.

By last Saturday, just three days after her declaration that everything was all fine for March 15, it changed to travel restrictions. We were told by her that they were going hard and going fast.

Obviously we didn’t go hard enough or fast enough. Now the borders are essentially shut.

The Prime Minister has also talked about modelling countries like Singapore, Taiwan and South Korea. That is a clear signal that we are inexorably heading towards a full shut down. Because that is exactly what will happen if we model Singapore, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan and South Korea.

Hong Kong and Singapore have done the best so far, but they have very strict quarantine rules and have closed schools. South Korea closed schools too.

The Prime Minister also made a very stupid statement yesterday:

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has dismissed speculation on  social media that the Government is poised to announce a nationwide  lockdown to combat coronavirus.

“We will share with you the most up-to-date information daily. You can trust us as a source of  that information,” she told reporters in Rotorua.

“Do feel free to visit – otherwise dismiss anything else. We will continue to be your single source of truth.

“Everything else you see, a grain of salt.”

She said that misinformation only fuelled public panic.

“When you see those messages, remember that unless you hear it from us, it is not the truth.

“New Zealanders must prepare, but do not panic.”

“We will continue to be your single source of truth.” Yes, she actually said that.

She has been wrong at every single step of the way in handling this. Just seven days ago New Zealand had six cases and she was telling us that we were doing better than Italy. Now, seven days later she is losing control.

The mainstream media have been taking the sound bites and regurgitating them. This site has been telling people to prepare based on what is happening overseas. The signs and facts are there for all to see and yet people are still doing insane things going to theatres and having large meetings when they should be socially distancing themselves.

The Government is now in a flat spin towards a total shut down. Look at the path in just a week:

Thursday last week: March 15 commemorations going ahead.
Saturday last week: March 15 commemorations abandoned. Travel restriction in place for 0100 Monday. Self-isolation of 14 days after that. We’re all good, better than others. Going hard, flatten the curve.
Monday: nothing
Tuesday: nothing
Wednesday: Begs travellers who came in before the deadline to self-isolate, four days after they’ve already been around the community. Limit gatherings to 500, some schools close, all events cancelled
Thursday: Limit gatherings to 100, more things close, borders sealed shut.
Friday: Lockdown???

Unless you have a very skilled pilot a flat spin is usually terminal. Time for the adults to take over, because I think Jacinda Ardern is currently sitting in the corner rocking back and forth sucking her thumb.  That is how she is ‘leading’ us through this.

Jacinda Ardern herself admitted on The Rock yesterday morning that she sees her role as reassuring people and that is what she is good at. I wish I had paid more attention to the interview because it was all about how well she is doing.

I want to see decisive decision making, not being good at reassuring people.  A real leader looks at a situation and makes a call and owns that decision for good or bad. All we see from Ardern is a lack of intellect and balls. To be fair to her, she has a useless wingman helping her out who generally struggles to keep food off his shirt.

The time for feelz is over. It is time for leadership. She needs to actually start telling the truth and honouring her words yesterday, no matter how bad the situation is. People deserve to know.

The BFD.

I have a gut feeling that the decision last Saturday was forced on her by much older and wiser heads, and I also have the feeling that yesterday’s decision was again forced on her by much older and wiser heads.

We deserve some leadership and some honesty. Brace yourself, we will only get flannel as the flat spin turns terminal.

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