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‘Tory Rebels’ Are Establishment Thugs

Not brave “rebels”: traitorous, anti-democratic, establishment scum.

Among the sorry mess of bad writing and stupid ideas that is the Star Wars sequels, one of the worst kludges of its overall stupidity is completely contradicting the entire internal logic of the saga. At the end of Return of the Jedi, the empire was defeated, the rebels won. So it makes absolutely no sense in The Force Awakens for the victors to dub themselves “The Resistance”. They’re not the resistance – they’re the establishment.

But logic and the actual meanings of words are well and truly out of fashion today. Fascists call themselves “anti-Fascists”, and authoritarian thugs call themselves “liberals”. It’s a mixed-up, mother-lovin’, shook-up world, alright.

Especially when establishment creeps joining with anti-Semitic Marxists, to try and overthrow the democratic will of the people, are feted by the media-elite as “brave” “rebels”.

Phillip Hammond, Ken Clarke, David Gauke, Phillip Lee and the others — the ‘Gaukeward Squad’, as some refer to them — pose as valiant insurgents against Boris and his overreaching executive. The media madly flatter these pretensions by talking up the MPs as the bravest politicians in living memory…in close competition for the top prize for ridiculous self-flattery is the ‘Stop The Coup’ brigade.

Unfortunately, we live today in a world where Lewis Carroll’s Humpty-Dumpty has joined forces with 1984’s torturer, O’Brien. Words not only mean whatever the elite say they mean, but anyone who dares assert that two plus two equals four is vilified and stomped into submission.

Anyone in possession of a dictionary or a moral compass will know that Boris has not carried out anything like a coup d’etat, or resuscitated the dark days of the 1930s, as some Labour MPs have claimed […]these people’s heated, self-aggrandising language is cynically designed to do one simple thing – to disguise the truth that it is they who are the foot-soldiers of the status quo, the defenders of unaccountable power, the enforcers of political conformism, not Boris. They aren’t revolting. On the contrary, they are doing everything within their considerable power to crush a revolt. The Brexit revolt.

Brexit was one of the most astonishing assertions of the people’s will in democratic history. Despite every establishment elite from pop stars to academics lining up to scream that voting to leave the EU would all but wipe Britain from the map, the people of the UK voted a big, fat finger to the establishment. The elite have never forgiven the oiks, much less accepted that they damn well lost.

There is nothing brave in what the ‘Tory rebels’ are doing this evening. In fact, intentionally blocking Brexit strikes me as the least brave thing you can do in British politics right now. It’s risk aversion, cowardice, stick-in-the-mud short-sightedness. We all know that their agitation against no deal is really a continuation of their agitation against Brexit itself. All these so-called Tory rebels are Europhiles. It isn’t ‘crashing out’ of the EU that horrifies them – it’s the prospect of leaving the EU in any fashion whatsoever.

But if the Remainers really do think they’re rebelling, what are they rebelling against?

The Remainer alliance’s reply, if they were being honest, would be: the public. Theirs is not a rebellion against power or dictatorship or even Boris himself – it’s a rebellion against us, the people, or at least the millions and millions of us who voted Leave.

The Corbynistas love to talk up their tired old class-warfare rhetoric. But as in Animal Farm, for all their fine words, they’re the animals who think they’re more equal than others. Remainers are anti-democratic pigs itching to take their turn on two legs, holding the whip.


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