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Trans Activist Offers Free Drugs for Children

white and blue medication pill blister pack
Photo by Christine Sandu. The BFD

Imagine if Bill Cosby was openly offering to supply children with prescription drugs. The outrage would swift and entirely justified. Yet, a male, accused multiple rapist and abuser of women is, indeed, openly offering to supply children with dangerous prescription drugs, “free, no questions asked”.

So far, he’s not been charged or even investigated.

It should surprise none of you by now to learn that this creepy groomer is a “trans activist”.

A California-based trans activist offering cross-sex hormones to youth through the internet has a long history of sexual assault allegations, with accusations from multiple victims, including those who were minors at the time, who reported he abused them.

Eli Erlick, 27, is under fire after posting his plan to ship cross-sex hormones to young people through the internet without any medical oversight or prescription.

Remember: the US government banned actual doctors from off-label prescribing a safe, if probably ineffective as an antiviral, drug. Multiple doctors were suspended for doing so. Yet, the creepy tranny, not to mention the doctors who are apparently supplying him, is getting off scot-free.

“If you need hormones, I work with a network of distributors to give you access. Everything is free, no questions asked,” Erlick wrote on May 23 in an Instagram post. “We have hundreds of doses of Testosterone, Estradiol and Spironolactone available right now. All are prescribed by doctors and unused.”

All of this is highly illegal: as Matt Walsh pointed out, Erlick is “publicly admitting to federal crimes” (Erlick admits that “I know it’s illegal”). Testosterone is a tightly-regulated Schedule III controlled substance. Erlick is admitting to openly breaking the law on multiple platforms, from Instagram to YouTube. Yet, despite flagrantly violating multiple YouTube content rules, he remains on the platform. He was also recently featured prominently on a Vice feminist discussion panel.

Beyond all that, it’s incredibly creepy grooming behaviour. Especially coming from whom it does.

As the Virginia school bathroom rape case showed, teenage boys can be particularly cunning and creepy when it comes to trying to get to girls.

At the age of 16, Erlick established TSER (Trans Student Educational Resources) in 2011 alongside another trans identified teenager, Alex Sennello. Erlick’s activism gave him access to trans-identified teenage girls, and several have since come forward with allegations that Erlick raped them […]

The alleged victim wrote a detailed 17-page account of the alleged abuse Erlick subjected her to.

Allegations are, of course, merely that, without evidence. In this case, the victim is able to provide what appears to be at least prima facie evidence.

In addition to the written testimony, the alleged victim shared screenshots of her Facebook Messenger conversations with Erlick. She called Erlick her “rapist” and “abuser,” something that he did not deny. Erlick apologized and said he would seek therapy but the victim said “no amount of therapy will make you any less inclined to abuse even a shred of power if you have it” and speculated that Erlick was paying a therapist to absolve him of his guilt.

Other women have accused Erlick of harassing them and that he has “a reputation in the San Francisco Bay area’s ‘queer’ community for having admitted to being a rapist and violently sexually abusing women”.

It gets creepier. Don’t say you weren’t warned…

Other still more disturbing allegations of sexual violence levied against Erlick have been made. Two posts made in September and November of 2016 by a young Black woman describe how Erlick allegedly kept “conquest lists” of which the majority of names were women of color. She explained that she hadn’t reported the sexual abuse Erlick perpetrated against her because she had looked up to him as a role model and consented to intimate activity – though she did not consent to being fisted. As a result of Erlick’s assault, she “bled all over the bed and felt sick and humiliated.”

Chillingly, the woman said, “I wasn’t the first person [he] did this to, and… I don’t think I’ll be [his] last.”


Danie Yun Diamond was yet another young person who accused Erlick of sexual and emotional abuse. As with the other people, when confronted, Erlick apparently did not offer a denial, but an apology.

No matter what the truth or falsity of these allegations, though, what is not in doubt is that Erlick is openly boasting of illegally supplying children with dangerous drugs.
