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Trans-Tasman Talk Ep.5 – Globalist Rebellion

Presented in association with The Unshackled. Trans-Tasman Talk (TTT) is hosted by Tim Wilms from Melbourne and Dieuwe de Boer from Auckland. The show debuts every Tuesday at 9pm New Zealand time and 7 pm Melbourne time. Episodes are broadcast live on Youtube via Right Minds and The Unshackled and starting next Tuesday The BFD

Both sides of the Tasman have switched over to daylight savings, and both the hosts are very much enjoying the instantaneous climate change it created. Extinction Rebellion protests kicked off this week, but are they Green or are they Red? This “rebellion” has the same anti-capitalist and pro-globalist message of all socialist action movements that came before it. There were dozens of arrests made throughout Australia and New Zealand, but the police were generally very soft and no charges were laid. PM Jacinda Ardern did not have any kind words for the “rebels” while in contrast, the leader of the opposition egged them on.

PM Scott Morison made another anti-globalist speech last week, and this one was endorsed by deputy PM Winston Peters. He’s sounding like his old nationalist self again, could he be gearing up the the 2020 general election? NZ First MP Shane Jones has threatened utu (revenge) against the forestry industry if they don’t vote NZ First. “I’ve shown you the money, now show me the votes,” he was reported to have said. He has been reprimanded by the Prime Minister, but not lost his portfolios.

New Zealand’s local elections conclude this week, and the media seems to have picked two front-runners for races throughout the country without any supporting polling at all. Avi Yemini, an Australian alt-media personality, faces the courts this week for charges related to his independent campaign in a state election.

It’s been 250 years since Captain Cook re-discovered New Zealand, but the event has not been marked with much celebration as the elites have been pushing a campaign to discredit the great explorer. Don Brash called for the resignation of the UK’s High Commissioner after it announced that there would be an apology for deadly confrontations between the Maori and Cook’s men.

Don Brash was the best prime minister New Zealand never had, a long-serving Reserve Bank governor, and is now a campaigner for racial equality and free speech. He remains a popular figure that the media can’t ignore.

Just before we went live there was an announcement that a database of NZ First members, with all the personal details, has been leaked to the media and opposition parties. There have been a number of other leaks related to NZ First over the past week, showing how disgruntled the membership is, and there is clearly a staffer or candidate with an axe to grind against Winston.

Finally, there was some good news to share: New Zealand will no longer be making donations to the Clinton Foundation — a policy which has seen both National and Labour governments give around $10m to the Clintons.


The First Falcons of Spring

The First Falcons of Spring

The Collins St falcons are, like Japan’s Nara island where wild deer are strictly protected, an example of how the simplest human adaptations can help wildlife thrive in cities.

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