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Transcript of a Censored Video of 2023

Dr. William Makis

Transcriber B

Transcribing missed information for the historical record since 2021.

I make no apologies for bias. This is part of the historical record. You can view the List of Transcriptions here, and read about its genesis and nature, and also find my contact information here.

VIDEO – Croatian Parliament Presentation by Dr William Makis on Turbo Cancer, Dec 1, 2023 (International Symposium Zagreb, Croatia – “In the eye of the storm”) DR WILLIAM MAKIS MD, posted March 8, 2024 [includes source video for clip]


DR. WILLIAM MAKIS [via internet]: Honored members of parliament. My name is Dr William Makis and I am a Canadian physician in Edmonton, Alberta. I trained as a doctor at McGill University in Montreal with a five-year specialization in nuclear medicine, radiology, and oncology. I have over 100 peer-reviewed publications, most of them as a first author in cancer diagnosis and cancer treatment. In my career, I have diagnosed over 20,000 cancer patients and I have treated several hundred cancer patients as their primary cancer physician.

I have been studying aggressive cancers that are arising in people who have taken Covid-19 vaccines. These are called turbo cancers due to their very aggressive nature and behaviour. The term turbo cancer is not a medical term but it is a term that has arisen on social media from people who have experienced these cancers themselves or whose families have been impacted by these cancers.

I first discovered this phenomenon in Canadian doctors in July of 2022. We had an incident here in Canada where four Canadian doctors working at the same hospital, Trillium Health in Mississauga, Ontario, died from cancer within days of each other, all four doctors who were Covid-19 vaccinated to be able to keep their jobs.

Here in Canada we had Covid vaccine mandates across the entire country from October 2021 to November 2021 and all doctors were required to take at least two Covid vaccines or or they were fired. Therefore, every doctor in Canada was at least double-vaccinated by the end of 2021 and by 2022 we saw an explosion of very aggressive cancers and cancer deaths among these doctors.

I testified recently to the National Citizens Inquiry in Canada[1] and I submitted as an exhibit several documents confirming that Canadian doctors now have an excess mortality of 54 per cent in 2022 compared to 2019, meaning that 54 per cent more Canadian doctors died in 2022 than 2019. I have provided an extensive database of these Canadian doctor deaths to the National Citizens Inquiry, and this database is accessible for download and for analysis.

Now at least a quarter of these deaths were due to extremely aggressive cancers. Since discovering this phenomenon of turbo cancer I have reported over 300 cases of turbo cancer in my articles which I publish on my Substack, Makis MD dot Substack dot com. []

I have seen these cancers in every Covid-vaccine-mandated profession. I have seen it in all health-care workers, doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists. I have seen it in teachers.

In fact teachers are the Covid-vaccine-mandated profession that seems to have been hit the hardest by aggressive cancers and cancer-related deaths. I have seen it in police officers, in firefighters, in the military, city workers, and other areas of employment where Covid vaccines were mandated.

There is also another group that has been hit very hard by cancer and this is a group of university students and college students who were mandated vaccines to be able to stay in school and continue their programs. Many of these young kids are now dying.

The clinical features of turbo cancer can be described as follows. I believe that these cancers affect people of all ages but they seem to really affect the young people, even children as young as 12 years old. These cancers present at a very late stage, usually stage IV. And usually there was no warning sign that these cancers were developing. They develop extremely rapidly and they only present at stage III or stage IV.

They grow very quickly. And oncologists don’t expect this kind of rapid tumour growth. These tumors can grow to very large sizes and these tumors have been described as either softball-sized or football-sized, even watermelon-sized. Very large tumour masses.

These cancers spread very aggressively and they spread to multiple sites around the body. I have witnessed situations where surgeons thought that they could surgically remove these cancers, get them under control because imaging hadn’t shown spread. They go conduct the surgery and after surgery they repeat the imaging and then they see the cancer has already spread: it has spread to the lymph nodes, it has spread to the lungs or the bones. And so they did not catch the cancer in time.

Now the most common turbo cancers that are showing up in the Covid vaccinated individuals are lymphomas, brain cancers, usually glioblastomas, breast cancers, usually triple-negative breast cancers, colon cancers, and lung cancers.

Other cancers that exhibit the behaviour of turbo cancers are leukemias, testicular and ovarian cancers, sarcomas, melanomas, kidney cancers and hepatobiliary cancers, these are cancers of the gallbladder or of the biliary tree[2], or the pancreas.

Another feature of turbo cancers is that they are resistant to chemotherapy: they’re resistant to radiation therapy, and they’re also resistant to many new cutting-edge immunotherapies as well.

Going into a bit more detail, the lymphomas usually present in young people in their 20s and 30s and I see them most commonly in university or college students who were mandated Covid-19 vaccines. These tumors can grow extremely large and they usually present as large tumor masses in the chest.

Now lymphomas usually respond very well to chemotherapy, but these turbo cancer lymphomas don’t. The prognosis varies, but they tend to kill the patient in about 12 months, in about a year typically, which is much worse than what oncologists expect for lymphomas.

The leukemias, the blood cancers, are the most aggressive turbo cancers. They can affect teenagers and young people in their 20s and 30s, but they can kill a person in a matter of weeks, days, or sometimes even hours after diagnosis. I have reported several cases of teenagers who went to emergency because they were feeling ill, they were diagnosed with a leukemia, and they died in matter of hours. So the leukemias are the turbo cancers that have the worst prognosis and they, these people die the most quickly.

The turbo brain cancers are usually glioblastomas, which is the most aggressive type of brain cancer.

But there are also cancers of the spinal cord as well which are normally extremely rare. They also have a very bad prognosis and usually result in death in a matter of a few months. The youngest case that I have reported was a 12-year-old boy from the Philippines who had one Moderna dose. Four months later he developed a brain cancer and he died in less than a year. And it was just one Moderna dose.

The breast cancers, the turbo breast cancers, also present in their 20s and 30s, which is much younger than what you would expect for breast cancers before covid vaccines. The youngest case that I have reported was a 19-year-old girl who had breast cancer.

These breast cancers are typically triple negative which means that they are hormone receptor ER, PR and HER2 negative[3]. These are, again, the worst prognosis cancers of the breast.

Colon cancers present at Stage IV also in people in their 20s and 30s and oncologists don’t expect this young age group to develop colon cancers. On presentation these cancers have already spread to the liver; they’ve spread to the lungs or the bones. And prognosis is again very poor: death usually in less than one year.

The lung cancers are also extremely aggressive, usually non-smokers and, again, the prognosis is very poor, death in less than one year, usually only a few months.

Another group of vaccinated people who are very vulnerable to developing turbo cancer are pregnant women. Pregnant women seem to have a much higher risk of turbo cancer and no one knows why. These turbo cancers arise usually during pregnancy or they can arise and be discovered in the postpartum in the first year after giving birth. So this is a group that also needs to be paid very special attention to.

In terms of the mechanisms of how these Covid vaccines are causing turbo cancers, no one knows the exact mechanism of action. However, there have been a number of theories proposed in the literature.

I believe the most likely explanation for turbo cancer is immune system suppression and damage to immune system cancer surveillance caused by the Covid-19 vaccines.

We have seen the Covid vaccines cause damage to the immune system and we have seen it in situations where the double-vaccinated, after a few months, were much more likely to catch Covid again, and then the triple-vaccinated were much more likely to catch Covid. And governments in Canada and Australia were showing us data that the more Covid vaccines you take, the more the damage to your immune system is. And in mid-2022 the Canadian government stopped reported the data of the vaccine status of people in the hospitals because 90 per cent of those in the hospital from Covid-19 were vaccinated and 90 per cent of people dying from Covid-19 were vaccinated. So we know that the Covid vaccines damage the immune system.

They damage immune cells, cytotoxic T-cells,[4] natural killer cells, and they interfere with immune system signaling. They can do this through receptors on the immune cells such as Toll-like receptors, or TLRs. And we know that the mRNA vaccines, the nMRNA was modified with pseudouridine specifically to dampen the immune response through Toll-like receptors so that the mRNA would not get destroyed by the immune system when the vaccine was injected.

There has also been discoveries that these vaccines decrease or suppress Type I interferon. So it completely changes the cytokine profile once the person has been injected with the vaccine.

Another theory is that Covid vaccines interfere with tumor suppressor genes like P53 and BRCA1 which are involved in many cancers. BRCA is involved in breast cancer and ovarian cancer, and P53 is involved in lung cancers, colon cancers, and many other cancers.

A different kind of immune system damage was discovered called IgG4 antibody shift[5] that occurs after a person’s been injected with a second mRNA dose where the body starts to produce antibodies that are tolerant to the spike protein, but it also creates tolerance to cancer.

After the third dose, the booster shot, the body produces 500 times the amount of IgG4 than after the first two doses, and you develop a tolerance to the spike protein, but you also lose your cancer surveillance. And this may be contributing to the rise in these turbo cancers.

Another theory involves micro RNAs that are generated by the mRNA vaccines. These micro RNAs can be oncogenic: they can act as oncogenes or they can inactivate tumor suppressor genes.

Finally, there is the major issue of DNA contamination that has been discovered by US geneticist Kevin McKernan[6] and confirmed by Professor Philip Buckhaults at the University of South Carolina[7], and Dr David Speicher at University of Guelph in Canada[8]. This DNA contamination, these DNA plasmids, have been found in every vaccine vial of Pfizer and Moderna. And these can be contributing to the rise in cancer.

The Pfizer vials, the contamination, also contains the sequence of the SV40, Simian Virus 40, it’s a promotor sequence[9]. Pfizer has not explained what that sequence is doing there and we don’t know if that specific sequence may be contributing to cancer as well.

Bottom line is we need more research to determine the exact mechanisms by which these cancers are arising.

The development of aggressive turbo cancers has been seen mainly with mRNA vaccines, Pfizer and Moderna, but there have been cases reported with AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson as well.

Please, I urge you to review your cancer databases if possible. Former hedge fund manager Mr Edward Dowd has reported on the United Kingdom data[10] with cancer deaths showing an increase of up to 120 per cent in deaths due to skin cancers like melanomas, up to an 80 per cent increase in pancreatic cancer deaths, 40 per cent increase in brain cancer deaths, 30 per cent increase in breast cancer deaths, and so on.

Thousands of young people are currently dying from turbo cancers and oncologists in North America have no treatment options for these cancers. After the patients fail the standard chemotherapy, radiation therapy and immunotherapy regimens, these patients are sent home to die.

There may be alternative treatment options for these patients. There are protocols using high doses of ivermectin, high doses of mebendazole or fenbendezole, high dose of vitamin C infusion, high dose melatonin protocols, CBD oil and other approaches that have not been adequately studied in clinical trials, which may help these patients who are now suffering from these turbo cancers.

I am calling for an immediate suspension of Covid-19 vaccines. These products are extremely dangerous, especially for children, for pregnant women, for young adults, and I believe that these vaccines should be taken off the market immediately.

Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to speak to you, and God bless you all.


Dr. William Makis – September 18, 2023 – #NCI Virtual Testimony
Streamed on September 18, 2023

[2] “The biliary system, also called the biliary tract or biliary tree, is a system of ducts, organs, and associated structures that function to produce, store, secrete, and transport bile. The biliary system includes the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas.”
– Source:

[3] “The term triple-negative breast cancer refers to the fact that the cancer cells don’t have estrogen or progesterone receptors (ER or PR) and also don’t make any or too much of the protein called HER2. (The cells test “negative” on all three tests.)”
– Source:

[4] For a basic introduction to the nature and role of T-cells, see

[5] See:
IgG4 Antibodies Induced by Repeated Vaccination May Generate Immune Tolerance to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Uverskz, et al, May 2023 Vaccines (Basel)

[6] See:
Kevin McKernan Testifies Before the FDA 182nd Meeting of Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee Open Public Hearing Session US Food and Drug Administration, livestream June 15, 2023

Transcript and screenshots:

[7] See: SC Senate Hearing – USC Professor Dr. Phillip Buckhaults SC 4 FREEDOM, posted September 13, 2023
Transcript and screenshots:

See also: SC Senate Hearing – Dr Janci Lindsay SC 4 FREEDOM, posted September 16, 2023 Transcript:

[8] See: Speicher DJ et al, DNA fragments detected in Covid-19 vaccines in Canada. DNA fragments detected in monovalent and bivalent David Jeremiah Speicher, Jessica Rose, Luz Maia Gutschi, David M Wiseman October 2023.

[9] See: SC Senate Hearing – Dr Janci Lindsay SC 4 FREEDOM, posted September 16, 2023 Transcript:

See also commentary on Dr Janci Lindsay’s testimony by Dr Jessica Rose, posted September 18, 2023:

[10] A former Wall Street analyst and portfolio manager, Ed Dowd is founder of Phinance Technologies and author of Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Death in 2021 and 2022. His Twitter is Follow Dowd at

See: “Ed Dowd Has The Data: Major Increase In Cardiovascular Deaths & Disability After 2020 – Ask Dr Drew Ed Dowd returns with a concerning analysis of the UK death and disability data showing a major increase in cardiovascular diseases in ages 15–44 after 2020.” September 26, 2023
[interview with Ed Dowd starts at 10:20]

Source video:
VIDEO – Croatian Parliament Presentation by DrWilliam Makis on Turbo Cancer, Dec 1, 2023 (International Symposium Zagreb, Croatia – “In the eye of the storm”) DR WILLIAM MAKIS MD, posted March 8, 2024
