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Transgender Regret Grows – but You’re Not Allowed to Know About It

Science is in a largely unspoken crisis. From the all-but-broken peer-review system to “replication crisis” (many published studies are either never being repeated by other researchers, or, when they do, their results cannot be replicated), science is spiralling into a nadir that the “IFL Science” crowd will never admit to.

But perhaps the greatest threat to science is the surging Anti-Enlightenment. Free inquiry is being attacked as science is subsumed by politics. For the first time in centuries, scientific journals and research bodies are withdrawing papers and funding under the threat of violence from activists.

The great heresy particularly forbidden by the transgender lobby is the stark fact that many “transgender” people really aren’t – and are being pushed into bodily mutilation that they later come to regret.

Five years ago, Professor Miroslav Djordjevic, the world-leading genital reconstructive surgeon, received a patient at his Belgrade clinic. It was a transgender patient who had surgery at a different clinic to remove male genitalia – and had since changed their mind.

That was the first time Djordjevic had ever been contacted to perform a so-called “reversal” surgery. Over the next six months, another six people also approached him, similarly wanting to reverse their procedures. They came from countries all over the Western world, Britain included, united by an acute sense of regret.

“Trans regret” is a growing phenomenon, largely fuelled by the so-called “affirmation model” that deliberately encourages often young and confused people to make life-altering decisions. Far from helping them, the “affirmation model” is in fact blighting their lives.

Reattaching the male genitalia is a complex procedure and takes several operations over the course of a year to fully complete, at a cost of some euros 18,000 (pounds 16,000).

Those wishing the reversal, Djordjevic says, have spoken to him about crippling levels of depression following their transition and in some cases even contemplated suicide. “It can be a real disaster to hear these stories,” says the 52-year-old. And yet, in the main part, they are not being heard.

Last week, it was alleged that Bath Spa University has turned down an application for research on gender reassignment reversal because it was a subject deemed “potentially politically incorrect”.

This is a growing and dangerous trend in medical science in particular. Transgender activists hysterically shut down any research which potentially threatens their ideology. Usually with violence and intimidation. Academics who question transgender ideology, feminists and even some transgender people themselves, have been physically attacked or have to live under constant guard.

James Caspian, a psychotherapist who specializes in working with transgender people, suggested the research after a conversation with Djordjevic in 2014 at a London restaurant where the Serbian told him about the number of reversals he was seeing, and the lack of academic rigour on the subject.

According to Caspian, the university initially approved his proposal to research “detransitioning”. He then amassed some preliminary findings that suggested a growing number of young people – particularly young women – were transitioning their gender and then regretting it.

But after submitting the more detailed proposal to Bath Spa, he discovered he had been referred to the university ethics committee, which rejected it over fears of criticism that might be directed towards the university. Not least on social media from the powerful transgender lobby.

Meanwhile, those suffering the most are the young people being told that without question they are “transgender”.

Following conversations with those upon whom he has helped perform reversals, Djordjevic says he has real concerns about the level of psychiatric evaluation and counselling that people receive elsewhere before gender reassignment first takes place.

Djordjevic fears money is at the root of the problem, and says his reversal patients have told him about making initial inquiries to surgeries and simply being asked to send a cheque in return[…]
To date, all of his reversals have been transgender

women aged over 30 wanting to restore their male genitalia. Over the last two decades, the average age of his patients has more than halved, from 45 to 21.

Meanwhile, “gender clinics” are doing a roaring trade, especially as more and more schools install so-called “gender whisperers”. What we are witnessing is a generation of state-sanctioned grooming – and the wholesale mutilation of a generation of troubled youngsters.

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