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Trump Wanted to Investigate the Lab Leak – The Deep State Said ‘No’

China is determined to keep the origins of the Wuhan virus secret. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

The plot twists in the Wuhan lab-leak theory continue. Now we find that then-president Trump pushed hard for a US presidential commission into the shenanigans at Wuhan. Trump also wanted to hit China with a bill for damages from the pandemic.

If ever you wondered why the media-political class were so determined to stamp out the notion of a lab-leak, for so long, there’s your answer. Not just the Bad Orange Man, but the fact that such a commission would have opened some closets that the Deep State was very determined should stay closed.

Donald Trump wanted to haul Anthony Fauci in front of a US presidential commission to give evidence about funding the Wuhan laboratory suspected of leaking Covid-19.

Advanced plans were underway for the special presidential panel, with an executive order even drawn up to hold China and its collaborators accountable and tally a reparations bill to fire off to Beijing.

This wasn’t just a Trumpian, off-the-cuff brain-fart. The idea was pursued seriously and “almost got to the finish line”, in the words of one of the president’s senior advisors. Another White House official calls it “actually an excellent idea”.

A White House executive order to establish the commission was drafted by August 2020.

Such an investigation would have trod on some very powerful toes in the Deep State so it was pushed back on by the usual pro-China cronies and Quislings.

Retired Air Force Briagdier General Robert Spalding would lead the sessions on the geopolitics, and a general from Fort Detrick, the US biological weapons defence program in Maryland, would run the virology portion of the inquiry to investigate whether the virus had been manipulated in a lab.

In a highly controversial move, Mr Trump’s top adviser on the coronavirus, Dr Fauci, would be hauled in to explain why he funded risky coronavirus research in China and the not-for-profit EcoHealth Alliance president Peter Daszak would be grilled on the missing virus database from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, among other topics[…]

And in a revelation set to embarrass the intelligence community, US intelligence agencies sought advice on whether the virus[…]could have a laboratory origin from the very scientists who had spent 15 years working closely with the Wuhan Institute of Virology, including EcoHealth Alliance’s Peter Daszak and University of North Carolina’s Ralph Baric.

If the name Peter Daszak is familiar, it should be: Daszak was a member of the WHO “investigation” into the origins of COVID. Daszak has since admitted that he personally convinced the WHO team that they did not need to see the deleted Wuhan Institute of Virology databases of virus samples.

Other officials were concerned the commission would be seen as a political manoeuvre so close to the November election and be derided by the media[…]

“An inquiry like that is exactly the right thing but it was going to be almost impossible for President Trump to appoint a commission that was going to be viewed as bipartisan.”

“People were too crazed on the left. I don’t think the left would have participated in it,” he said.

[Trump’s trade adviser Peter Navarro] said it was a mistake to kill off the idea. “They are all China apologists,” he said.

Speaking of China apologists, the Deep State resisted other moves from the executive to hold China accountable. The Trump cabinet also pushed to send a diplomatic protest to China, but bureaucrats stymied it.

When [Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Tom DiNanno] called one of the State Department’s top weapons experts into his office to discuss the démarche, she told him she had not read his memo and said, “Your attitude is anti-science”[…]

After several months of negotiations, the State Department eventually won interagency clearance on several questions to démarche China, but they did not include claims about Covid-19 being genetically manipulated.

By stonewalling for so long, the Deep State managed to hold out until it got what it wanted: a China-friendly, weak administration.

By then Mr Biden was President and the move was ditched.

“Biden scrapped it, China would have been demarched with Pompeo still in charge,” Mr DiNanno said. “You either confront a tyrant or appease him. History has taught us appeasement doesn’t work.”

[Assistant Secretary of State for International Security and Non-Proliferation Christopher Ford] said the démarche questions were still in clearance when he resigned.

“As far as I know the final decision not to send the démarche occurred after the handover of power to the Biden administration,” he said.

Another top official said the “Biden administration killed that too,” along with the State Department inquiry into the origins of the pandemic.

The Australian
So, thanks to the Trump-deranged media and the Deep State, China has had 18 months to cover its tracks and make sure it is never held to account for unleashing the Chinese virus on the world.

Maybe the virus wasn’t cooked up in a lab. Even if it was, maybe it was an accident and not a deliberate biological attack.

But look back on the past year and ask: how would things have turned out any different, if it was?

If it’s not biological warfare, what is it? The BFD. Cartoon by Johannes Leak.

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