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FORT DODGE, IOWA – NOVEMBER 18: Former President Donald Trump speaks to a crowd of supporters at the Fort Dodge Senior High School on November 18, 2023 in Fort Dodge, Iowa. The former president spoke on various topics pertaining to things that happened during his term in office as well as current events. (Photo by Jim Vondruska/Getty Images)

Matt Judd

I don’t want to write this article. I want former President Donald Trump to be the next President. I think he should be the current president. I think he was cheated out of victory in 2020. Even if you don’t believe there was nefarious early morning ballot dumps from stuffed drop boxes with ballots that lacked legitimate signatures or had signatures of ineligible voters or that sort of thing. Even if all the ballots from all the electorates were legitimate. The corruption of the media, of social media and of the interference in the race by the CIA and FBI as demonstrated in the Twitter files;

and by the judiciary to change early voting laws, unsolicited mailout ballot rules and the stopping of negative social media and corporate media’s coverage of Joe Biden’s awful and morally bereft family dealings were all real facts. The American voter never got to make an informed choice. Time magazine’s Molly Ball all but admitted the widespread campaign that was arranged to corrupt the election and wrote about their success in 2021;

So what of today? We are nine months from the next presidential election. If you have been watching the early primaries and the myriad and dumbfounding different ways that U.S states choose their candidates. The system of amassing delegates (or super delegates if you’re a democrat) and how donor money drives everything, and how senior members of party organisations have such sway over candidate selection, shows what America has is a confusopoly or an idiocracy where the vast majority of voters are so low information, they have no hope of understanding enough to make an informed decision. The system is geared to produce a two-party system where orthodox candidates are presented to the voter in a pseudo-choice where the winner of whichever flavour is guaranteed to owe big corporate donors and party hierarchy and won’t rock the boat.

So why don’t I think Trump can win? He’s busy. He’s fighting ninety-one separate and unjust felony charges in political witch hunts in the District of Columbia, New York, Georgia and Florida. He already has fines in the region of one hundred million dollars. He will appeal, but thanks to the persecution of his previous lawyers, Trump has few qualified and skilled jurists ready to risk exposing themselves to retaliation by representing him. Jenna Ellis was fleeced for a hundred thousand dollars and more to fight bogus charges against her for supporting Trump in the Georgia courts. Rudi Giuliani is facing prison and bankruptcy for representing Trump. No talented lawyer will risk their reputation and fortune to appear in these cases. He will be too distracted, struggling for cash and time and his campaign will suffer.

The Democratic Party has a rock-solid electoral campaign program. There is no dissent allowed. The objective is to win and to make sure there is unity in the party. Outliers like Trump are not allowed to rise as they are in the Republican Party. Recall the hugely popular grass roots candidacy of Bernie Sanders who was twice removed using the outrageous super delegate process and non transparent voting machine issues. Their ground game is ruthless and dedicated and they use legal loopholes to ballot harvest, early vote and get-out-the-vote tactics in every possible way.

Trump’s campaign so far has no strategy to overcome this massive advantage in poor urban and suburban communities. Trump’s support still shows problems in the Black community, despite major improvements. Even a large increase in Black support will only net him a share of around fifteen per cent of the total electorate. His support among suburban women is abysmal and has gotten worse over time not better. He hasn’t revealed any tactics to reverse this trend.

America is polarised with much of the population jammed into mega cities on the East and West Coasts. This is democrat country. The much sparser centre of the nation with lower population and rural communities is republican territory. This seldom changes. But there are swing states of Arizona, Georgia, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan where all the electoral college votes are enough to decide the overall election and are liable to come down to a razor’s edge. These states have notorious counties like Fulton, Maricopa, Allegheny, Philadelphia, Polk, Milwaukee, Wayne and DeKalb which are where the elections are decided because of high urban populations. Trump is not popular there and the Democratic ground game is very strong.

Trump’s major weakness is himself. He demands absolute loyalty but his loyalty to his own people is sketchy. He allowed his own justice system to all but bankrupt his team members like General Michael Flynn, Roger Stone, Peter Navarro, Steve Bannon and Carter Page. Some of these people he fired personally because of pressure from the Washington establishment. He since rescued Stone and Flynn from corrupt prosecutions but his rock-solid supporters, Bannon and Navarro have been left to combat the financial might of the federal justice system alone. Somehow they’re both still staunch Trump supporters. Rudi Giuliani is fighting huge damages cases in the corrupt Georgia judiciary for supporting Trump. Trump picked atrocious employees for his cabinet in the White House who constantly undermined his agenda. He shows an appalling tendency to support and endorse anyone who strokes his ego so his current team are made up of yes-men and grifters.

Trump was the best U.S. president this century. Until his administration was wrecked by the Covid hysteria, he had improved every metric for the public. His economy was good for America, and it was good for the world. He wasn’t captured by the ridiculous climate agenda, he had for the first time in many decades, not started any new wars and even finished several. Life expectancy was up and so were real pay rates for every racial group. If he hadn’t panicked and handed over control of the USA to Anthony Fauci, he was on course for an easy reelection. Who knows where the world would be now? Surely much better than under the truly awful Biden administration.

Trump deserves to win. He deserves another term and a chance to repair the damage done. He deserves another chance to drain the swamp which he failed to do in his previous term. Mostly he deserves to be President out of a sense of justice and fairness. But it will require a committed, dedicated and well-financed campaign team. Alas, these he does not have.
