Is Ardern’s positivity for real? Of course, it is. We have to believe the observations of Stuff’s hand-picked left-wing “experts”. Did you know that Associate professor Val Hooper, head of Victoria University’s school of marketing and international business, “believes her positivity worked because she was also credible”? She continues, “If you frown it shows you are concerned and not able to cope”.

“If you frown it shows you are concerned and not able to cope”. The BFD
My head aches as I write. This unadulterated garbage is printed in a publication that pretends to serve an adult audience. It is little wonder so many Kiwis fall victims to scammers, they can’t identify dishonesty when it is staring them in the face. There has been considerable evidence of deliberate, misleading and manipulative information emerging from the PM’s office. The kindest description of this twaddle is “spin”.
The PM’s admirers are victims of her well-crafted manipulation. Yesterday’s press conference was a classic example, she is again on the bandwagon of “saving lives”. What a bloody hero! What a humanitarian saviour! What a desperate attempt to cover the shambles of her Health Ministry. Covid-19 may be a tricky virus but it will never be as tricky as our PM.

The MSM is a pathetic resemblance of the historical investigative journalism that went before them, and that is the crux of the matter. As long as they print the twaddle as described above, we have no hope. A classic example is the front-page headline of the hard copy of the NZH, “COVID KILLS”, with a photo of a frowning Ardern.

Remember, “If you frown it shows you are concerned and not able to cope”. It must be right, an “expert” says so! The NZH has swallowed the Ardern fabrication hook line and sinker.
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