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Turns Out You Can Tell a Man by Looks

Why, yes: we can tell which one is a man, just by looking. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

It’s getting harder and harder to keep up with what is and isn’t ‘phobic’, these days.

Yesterday, the idea that you can tell a man from a woman just by looking at such obvious clues, as whether they have a beard, an Adam’s apple, or a penis, was the most hateful transphobia imaginable. If you tell some bearded fellow with their meat’n’two veg inconveniently dangling between their hairy legs that, ‘Hey, you’re a man,’ you’re going to drive them to suicide.

But then, just like that, the same people who can’t tell us what a woman is are able to tell what a man is with laser-like precision, at a single glance.

A trans guest on CNN claimed that she can tell that the person who allegedly entered an LGBTQ Colorado nightclub Club Q and shot five people to death is not non-binary, as the suspect requested to be referred to as on court documents.

And how can “she” tell?

“it was obvious with the mugshot, that’s a man”.

“it was obvious with the mugshot, that’s a man”.

“it was obvious with the mugshot, that’s a man”.

That’s right: you can tell just by looking, “that’s a man”.

Photoshop by Lushington Brady.. The BFD.

I have to say, I agree. And looking at the screen, I can likewise tell that Natalee Bingham is also a man.

Is that how we’re doing it, now?

CNN guest Natalee Bingham, who identifies as a trans woman. “I believe they’re just saying that because they want to have the easy way out on this. That’s really, really offending, especially being a transgender woman myself, that a male, which it was obvious with the mugshot, that’s a man.”

“That’s not a non-binary person because in no way, shape or form could they appear as a woman the next day.”

Right back at’cha… man.

I mean, it’s not as if trans activists just backpedalling furiously because the facts of the crime are rapidly unravelling their narrative.

Anderson Lee Aldrich allegedly killed five people at Club Q at around midnight on Friday. Since then, it has been revealed through the suspect’s lawyer that the suspect identifies as non-binary, with court documents attesting to the use of “they/them” pronouns and listing the suspect’s title and name as “Mx Aldrich”.

The Post-Millennial

Which, as we’ve been browbeaten and bullied for years, is how it’s done. Gender is whatever someone ‘feels’ at any particular time, and you can never, ever doubt it. ‘Misgendering’ someone is a ‘hate’ crime. Refusing to acknowledge their ‘preferred gender’ (which, we have been told, can change from day to day, even multiple times a day) is ‘hate’ and ‘transphobia’.

Yet, here we are: suddenly even trannies are admitting that we can tell a man from a woman just by looking at them. Life comes at you fast.

Of course, that’s part of the intent: as with all totalitarian propaganda, the object isn’t to inform or persuade, it’s to force everyone complicit in the lies. As Orwell showed, in 1984, by forcing citizens to robotically parrot what they know are lies that change from day to day, resistance to the obvious is completely broken. Two plus two can equal whatever you’re told it equals today. We’ve always been at war with whoever we’re told to be at war with.

It’s not about truth, much less ‘science’. It’s only ever been about control.
