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How does Twiggy Forrest sleep with himself?

I mean, probably on Charlotte Thomas “Bespoke” bedsheets, made with merino wool, 1000-count Egyptian cotton and 22-carat gold thread, sure. At the same time, though, one can’t help but wonder if he is ever troubled by the yawning disconnect between his much-trumpeted philanthropy and the fact that he almost entirely owes his fortune to a genocidal communist dictatorship. The same person who tub-thumps about modern slavery has no hesitation taking money from a country where 3,400,000 people are slaves. Many of them directly enslaved by the regime as part of its program of genocide.

He doesn’t just take their money, either: he is more than happy to be their propaganda mouthpiece.

Mining billionaire Andrew Forrest says he will visit China again soon after the strained relationship between Canberra and Beijing kept him away during a four-month stint overseas that included 47 other countries[…]

Dr Forrest is a long-time backer of closer ties with China but has steered clear of making public comment on the relationship since April amid the fallout from his unilateral decision to invite a top Chinese diplomat, Long Zhou, to speak at a press conference with Health Minister Greg Hunt.

So, the anti-slavery campaigner backs “closer ties” with the #2 slave-owning nation in the world. Does anybody else see the problem here?

But who cares about principles – there’s money to be made.

Breaking his silence on the issue in an exclusive interview with The Australia Financial Review, Dr Forrest said he maintained strong relationships in China where steelmaker demand for iron ore has driven a 135 per cent increase in the Fortescue share price over the past year.

Dr Forrest, who contracted COVID-19 on his travels and spent three days in a Swiss hospital, said China had gone out of its way to help Australia after he was asked by the Morrison government to use his contacts there to secure medical supplies.

“China bent its rules despite the fact we were kicking sand in their face at the beach to allow us to fly in plane loads of testing equipment,” he said.

Australian Financial Review

The BFD has already covered the hypocrisy of billionaires jetting around the globe while literally infected with the virus that has seen billions of ordinary people put under virtual house arrest and prevented from travelling more than a few kilometres from their homes. Instead, let it sink in again that this supposed philanthropist is cheerleading a brutal communist dictatorship.

No mention, either, that China secretly smuggled tonnes of soon-to-be-desperately-needed medical supplies out of Australia (and nations around the world) while lying and covering up the magnitude of the plague that it had unleashed.

And then had the chutzpah to big-note itself months later by flooding the world with useless, Chinese-made junk.

You can tell a lot about billionaire “philanthropists” by the company they choose to keep and the money they like to take.

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