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Hamish Keith

Twitter is an awful place, mostly filled with bullying, nasty lefty liberal elite tossers, intent on hating anyone with a differing opinion from theirs. They love to incite mobs to destroy anyone they find offensive. One of these liberal elite tossers is Hamish Keith, a Ponsonby arts luvvie who has an opinion on absolutely everything. He has perfected the art of the poison pen and loves orchestrating pile-ons on Twitter.

This was a tweet he made about Heather du Plessis Allan:

Note the abusive epithet he uses. Basically calling her a deliberate liar, just because he doesn’t like her on radio. In his feeble, narrow mind, he would love to see all conservative voices silenced, especially Heather’s.

His tweet isn’t clever, it’s just plain nasty. But that’s Hamish to a tee. He also lacks self-awareness, as arts luvvies are wont to do.

Here is another tweet, just a day after his abuse of Heather du Plessis Allan:

What a tosser, totally lacking in self-awareness, just a day after attacking someone by making fun of their name he is sanctimoniously lecturing and finger-pointing at people using a diminutive for Jacinda. He is, of course, in full control of his own timeline, he can mute or block people anytime he wants. But no, he has to cry like a baby about mean people all the time ignoring his own mean face staring back at him from the mirror.

I’d call him curmudgeonly, but that would really be a term of endearment and curmudgeons are usually actually funny. Hamish Keith is as funny as a cancer diagnosis. Hamish Keith is just a sad, boring old arts luvvie who is so up himself he can taste his own farts. Hamish Keith is actually just a petty bitch who gets off on being a petty bitch all. the. time.

The good news is Hamish Keith has probably been in a cold sweat all day with the news that Elon Musk bought Twitter, and is planning on ending the dominance of nasty bitches like Hamish Keith who love to silence their critics.

While we are talking about whiny bitches…enjoy this tweet:

How about you just cancel yourself? Go on, you’ll feel better for it.

Anyway, back to Hamish Keith, apparently he is a cultural icon. He’s not, but he is another word that starts with C and is much shorter.

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