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Care to explain this, then? The BFD.

Golriz Ghahraman has attempted to smooth the path of her pet political activist and trouble maker into permanent NZ residency. Apologies in advance if her lecture on kindness makes you throw up your mouth a little.

Today we celebrate New Zealand as a place where fairness and compassion prevails”, Green Party Human Rights and Immigration spokesperson Golriz Ghahraman said today.

“I would like to thank our refugee authorities for their work with Behrouz, today they demonstrated the strength of our country, and how we put compassion and kindness first.”

The Iranian compatriot and friend of the Green MP is known as the seven month overstayer Immigration NZ didn’t bother to evict. Boochani arrived in New Zealand last November on a 30-day visa for a speaking engagement after six years on Manus Island as an illegal immigrant.

It’s a selfie, taken by celebrity “refugee” Behrouz Boochani, in a boat heading to Manus Island. Behind him are two people, a woman in a blue and white striped skirt and black hat, and a man with a white beard, khaki bush hat and an out-of-fashion blue collared shirt. The man is Ian Rintaul.

Australia didn’t offer Boochani asylum, presumably because of his links to violent Trotsky extremist Ian Rintoul. Guardian Australia published a photo of the two men together.

The photo appeared in the Guardian above a story supposedly written by Boochani, describing how he travelled back to the site of the now-closed Manus Island detention centre to find it had been reclaimed by the jungle.

“The Guardian editor felt no need to point out that the man accompanying him (and possibly “helping” him write the article) had been, for almost 50 years, a member and leader of groups whose avowed aim was to overthrow the Australian government and implement a totalitarian Socialist State.”

Rintoul has a history of violent protest including the anti-One Nation protests. “From the first violent confrontation at the party launch, to the sickening scenes in Melbourne where bystanders were beaten into bloody unconsciousness by baying mobs” and “at the violent S11 riots in September 2000, Rintoul again led the mob.”

“The violent extremist ideologues behind the anti-One Nation protests were accurately reported on in the mainstream press at the time, and both Ian Rintoul and future Yarra councillor Stephen Jolly openly boasted in print that they were using the rallies to build up their organisations for a future Communist revolution.

We are a soft target for criminals and extremist refugees seeking residency. Ian Lees-Galloway disgraced his role as Minister of Immigration last year by granting residency to convicted drug smuggler Karel Sroubeck and ILG’s swan song before leaving in disgrace this September is granting asylum to Behrouz Boochani. An extract from the Green Party media release which justifies Boochani being granted asylum is below.

“People escaping torture and persecution based on their religion, race, and political activism deserve a place to call home, they deserve protection.

“We welcome Behrouz wholeheartedly. He has faced persecution and torture at the hands of Iran’s Islamic regime and whilst imprisoned on Manus Island, it is well overdue that he had a place where he is safe to put down roots”.

Where is the evidence of Boochani’s persecution and torture on Manus Island? His claim and association with known violent extremist Rintoul is enough to alert Immigration NZ to Boochani’s character. We don’t want him here.

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