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Unelected Bureaucrats and Their Female Privilege

They’re not happy and they want to speak to your manager. The BFD

Have you ever noticed that the loudest woke screechers are almost invariably the most privileged? We have the likes of Barack Obama lecturing working shmos about their “privilege” from any one of his mansions. Then there’s the odious Megan Rapinoe.

Sporting a perpetual sourpuss, the purple-haired harridan — whose own team was soundly beaten by a high school boys’ team — demands to be paid exactly the same as the men’s team. But, not only are the men objectively better players, given the women’s team’s drubbing by mere boys, but on every other metric, they clearly outperform their whining sisters.

The US National Women’s Soccer League struggles to pull even 7,000 attendees on average. The men draw more than ten times the crowds. Bigger crowds mean more money, not just in ticket sales but sponsorships — sponsors want bang for their buck, after all.

So, what the women are asking for is not equal pay for equal contribution, but more pay, for contributing less.

It’s the same for the whingeing fishwives at Australia’s Workplace Gender Equality Agency.

The agency’s submission to the review into the Workplace Gender Equality Act, released last week, lists 31 demands for sweeping new jurisdictions so it can interfere with the management of more companies and bury employers in a blizzard of even more paper. In line with its delusions of grandeur, the director of the agency wants the title of CEO.

This megalomaniac submission provides the Morrison government with all the ammunition it needs to curb or close down a bureaucracy that wants to further control our workplaces with its dishonest gender ideology.

As is the way with Third Wave feminists, having long run out of real issues to complain about, the privileged viragos on the taxpayer payroll have to resort to making things up.

The agency’s prime concern is closing the “gender pay gap” […]

However, even the agency agrees that the gender pay gap “is not the difference between two people being paid differently for work of the same or comparable value, which is unlawful. This is called ‘equal pay’.”

So, “gender pay gap” is a lie. What they’re really complaining about are earnings. Yes, some people earn more than others. It’s not fair, is it, that J.K. Rowling earns billions more than I do: we’re both doing the same job, writing. I mean, okay, she’s sold something like half a billion more books than I have, but that just goes to show what an unfair playing field we’re dealing with, here.

A more honest analysis of the gender pay gap would point to the economic consequence of the aggregate of all the differences that exist between men and women – their physiology, different skills and interests, different choices made about education and jobs, how hard and how long they choose to work and under what conditions.

The truth is that eliminating the gender pay gap requires a magic wand to abolish all differences between the sexes – whether stemming from physiology, culture, or preferences – that contribute to the gender pay gap. If you think socialism sucks, what this agency has in store, in its submission, is far worse.

Even the nutcase ideologues of transgenderism tacitly acknowledge that there are fundamental differences between men and women (otherwise, how could anyone “transition” from one to the other?). As Jordan Peterson has pointed out, too, the more freedom a society gives men and women to make choices, the more pronounced gender differences become.

Without a magic equalising wand […] you can close the gender pay gap only by paying women more than men even though some women may have less experience, skills and commitment to the workplace.

In other words, when this agency demands that the gender pay gap be closed without eliminating differences in the choices women make, it is demanding privilege, not equality, in the wage setting.

The Australian

So, what we’re dealing with here is a demand for female privilege, not equal rights.

We’re also dealing with yet another consequence of the Long March through the institutions. None of us ever elected these career complainant bureaucrats. Yet, they have the gall to try and remake our entire society by stealth — and generously reward themselves in the process.

Oh, for another “Max the Axe” Moore-Wilton to go through the public service like a dose of salts.

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