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animal eye
Photo by Virginia Johnson. The BFD.

When I first read about the move I didn’t want to comment because it was a rumour swirling the significance of which amounted to more, much more, than mere tittle-tattle. If true it would amount to another level of ideological assault on New Zealanders, a new step up in the cultural anti-colonial purge, an extra turn of the thumb-screws so easily and forcefully exerted on the employees in the government sector now being turned on the private sector. It is now more than a rumour: it is fact. It is despicable. It’s reprehensible.

The hard proof arrived on Thursday 16th March 2023: this government of intellectual punies in bully boots will demand the entire workforce of 16,000+ individuals, very many of them contractors or commission-only (so: easily coerced) licensed real estate agents to submit to the prevailing dogma of White Saviour Tiritiphiles, or lose their license and income:

This malignant ramping of korrect-think, brain-bleaching, call it what you will, is a new wedge to divide us. It’s utterly disgusting but so typical of that sneering class of spineless drones, themselves so captured in the web of Tiritiphilia they have no option: the Tiriti apparatchiks. Collecting their salaries they’ll care not a whit for those who lose their means of living should they refuse, or worse: fail the mandated re-education program.

Make no mistake: this new road to the ideological White Saviour ghetto, a happy gulag of uncontested ideas so popular they are compulsory, will be widened to make room for everybody requiring a government licence for anything: ‘Nice import licence you got there, all you gotta do to renew it is answer a few Tiriti catechisms correctly, you do know your Tiriti catechisms don’t you? If you’re unsure you can complete a course, it’s subsidised, and mandatory. It’s so mandatory we will mention it four times; in case you’re a bit thick, once in the link and three times in the body – it’s mandatory, mandatory, just like the Pfizer, that wasn’t so hard was it? It’s mandatory, so do it, or get out, get unemployed, with the utmost, retch-inducing, kindness.’

This is a line in the sand I never imagined we would see crossed in God’s Own Country. The time for polite language is over: this brain-washing exercise is nothing about cultural awareness and everything about unleashing the dogmas of war. Cultural war.
