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Vaccine Injuries Part Three: the Pfizer Vaccine

Ben Jonutz at Southern Heart Cardiology in Dunedin in January 2022. Credit: 1 News

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science

The third post in our eight-part series on vaccine injuries. We suggest reading the Introduction and Managing the Managers for context.

Words and Meanings – What is a ‘Vaccine’?

It is important to consider words and meanings. Most people think of vaccines as part of childhood, those injections given to protect against germs and diseases. Previously, vaccines have contained part or all of the organism being protected against. A few vaccines have used the toxin produced by the organism instead.

The Pfizer ‘vaccine’ in New Zealand is completely different and does not fit with the usual definition of a vaccine. It is more akin to gene therapy. Instead of introducing parts of the coronavirus, this injection introduces synthetic genetic material encased in a lipid nanoparticle envelope. This genetic code instructs our bodies to make part of the virus. Never before has this technology been widely used.

‘Vaccine’ sounds benign, whereas ‘gene therapy’ might prompt you to ask a few questions. It has been labelled a vaccine for very good reasons, none of them good for the public.

In addition to altering what constitutes a vaccine, the definition of a vaccine’s purpose has also changed. In September 2021, without much fanfare or discussion, a vaccine went from being something that produced immunity to a specific disease to something that merely stimulated the body’s immune response against a disease. It no longer had to produce immunity, just stimulate a response to a disease.

The definition of herd immunity also underwent a series of metamorphoses in 2020 and 2021. See this article for the details but effectively it went from protection of a population from a disease due to immunity either due to prior infection or vaccination (June 2020) to population protection arising solely from vaccination (Nov 2020) then back to including naturally acquired immunity (Jan 2021).

What Does this ‘Vaccine’ Do? Infection, mRNA and Spike Protein

According to textbooks, during a viral respiratory infection, infectious particles get into the body via the nose, mouth and mucous membranes. Once inside the body, viruses use the machinery inside cells to multiply. The immune system recognises viral particles as foreign and responds by binding them at the mucous membrane level and in the blood and getting rid of them. It responds to infected cells by destroying and removing them.

During a Covid-19 infection the body recognises the virus as foreign due to proteins on its surface. Scientists have targeted one of the surface proteins (spike) to use for vaccine development. However, this spike protein appears to be harmful to the body, whether produced by Covid infection or by the vaccine. Some have called it a toxin in its own right.

In an infection, a healthy human immune system would usually limit how much viral replication occurs and get rid of the virus (the source of spike protein) within a short period of time. This limits the amount of spike protein the body is exposed to. With a poorly functioning immune system there is likely to be more viral replication and a greater exposure to spike protein.

The Pfizer ‘vaccine’, on the other hand, uses a synthetic version of mRNA (genetic code) which unnaturally bypasses the mucous membranes and gets straight to cells instructing them to produce spike protein. This synthetic mRNA has been modified so is not the same as the naturally-occurring mRNA that would usually be in our cells. The synthetic mRNA in the Pfizer vaccine:

  • Contains a genetic sequence from human alpha globulin so it can evade the immune defences and get into the body
  • Uses methyl-pseudouridine to replace uridine which increases its stability and hence its persistence in the body, meaning spike protein will be produced for longer
  • Has a Poly(A) tail (large numbers of adenine nucleotides at the end of the mRNA) to increase the amount of spike protein produced
  • Is guanine-rich (has an increased proportion of guanine nucleotides) which makes it more stable
  • Is contained within highly inflammatory lipid nanoparticles which are designed to disperse widely throughout the body

These modifications mean that the vaccine-induced spike protein is not the same (in amount, location, structure, duration of production or persistence) as the ‘naturally occurring’ spike protein from infection, albeit infection with an engineered bioweapon.

In theory the ‘vaccine’ is delivered into the muscle cells, but it is likely, as mentioned in Part 2, that on occasion some or all of it may get directly into the blood stream. This is perhaps more likely if the administrator does not check by drawing back the syringe prior to injection. Direct injection into a vein could see the product into the heart in as little as 10 seconds; into an artery or arteriole it may cause severe pain down the arm.

Although our ‘experts’ have been telling us the mRNA stays in the muscle of the upper arm and is quickly broken down, this was not studied as part of the vaccine development. The Medsafe data sheet for Comirnaty states: 5.2 Pharmacokinetic properties Not applicable. Pharmacokinetics is what the body does to the drug – distribution, metabolism, excretion.

When a medicine is a vaccine or is labelled as a vaccine, different rules apply during its development and it does not have to undergo the same testing for pharmacokinetics, mutagenesis, genotoxicity and reproductive toxicology that other drugs do. This is all the more egregious as vaccines are intended for healthy people, not people who are already unwell.

Secret animal studies done by Pfizer in Japan have shown that the injection components appear to disperse widely throughout the body with a predilection for the liver and spleen but also reaching the adrenal glands and ovaries. Recently scientists have discovered persistence of the spike protein for significant periods of time, up to 15 months in some cases. It may be that the spike protein itself is resistant to being broken down, or that the mRNA is continuing to produce new spike protein. mRNA is also taken up by immune cells and travels to the spleen where the immune cells themselves become factories for the production of spike protein. This would not happen with a natural infection.

What Else is Going On?

The Comirnaty vaccine used in NZ has been viewed under the microscope by several groups of scientists. Unusual structures have been seen in the slides produced. This has been brought to the attention of the Ministry of Health, government officials and the NZ Police on several occasions with a request for an explanation. There has been NO reassurance from any of these entities that what has been viewed under the microscope is expected and benign. That makes us concerned that perhaps there is something else in the vaccine that is contributing to all the harm we see. Our view is that, if there is nothing untoward, unusual or undeclared in the vaccine vials, then the government and Ministry of Health officials should easily be able to state that categorically. Why haven’t they?

Some researchers have detected the presence of graphene oxide in the various vaccines, including Pfizer’s Comirnaty. This is not a declared substance listed on the ingredients panel. Our government and Ministry of Health have also declined to confirm or deny the presence of this in the vaccines that have been administered to New Zealanders.  The lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) in the Pfizer vaccine (ALC 0135 and ALC 0159) are proprietary and their composition is not clear. Is it possible that graphene oxide is part of these LNPs? The LNPs appear to be capable of causing significant inflammation in tissues.

It can be seen from this section that there is the potential for harm to be caused by this novel technology. The next sections will cover some of the clinical aspects and how causality can be determined.
