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Vic Government Full of Gas

Australia’s wokest state backflips on gas.

The face you make when you're losing in Australia's wokest state. The Good Oil. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Remember when it was just a crazy conspiracy theory that they were going to ban gas appliances? When, in fact, they were planning to ban gas appliances. No surprises for guessing that Victoria was the first state to announce gas appliance bans.

The bans were initially for new builds – See? We’re not going to take your existing gas cooker away, you, you… Cooker!

Except, of course, that was the very next thing they announced. No replacement gas appliances, for you! If your existing heater or stove went on the fritz, then no replacement would be allowed.

Like so much of the Climate Cult’s ideology, though, the anti-gas fervour could only stand colliding with harsh reality for so long.

Victorian households can continue cooking with gas after the Allan government moved to exclude gas stovetops from its net zero road map in a policy shift that will also see state Labor introduce laws aimed at encouraging new offshore gas storage projects.

‘Stovetops’, note. Gas heaters and hot water systems are still – for the moment – verboten in the Climate Reich.

Premier Jacinta Allan said gas cooktops and stoves that reached the end of their life would be able to be replaced with new gas appliances, but she made clear that new homes were still prohibited from connecting to gas.

“We know that gas is a diminishing resource which is why we will always help those households and businesses who can to go all electric,” Ms Allan said.

It’s only a ‘diminishing resource’ because the demented Victorian government previously banned developing any more of the vast, known, reserves of gas in the state. Meanwhile, other countries not as burdened by Climate Cultism are scarfing up as much gas as Australia can export.

The backflip is also a tacit admission that wind and solar generation are failing miserably to supply desperately needed base-load power.

The changes will allow gas to be stored in empty gas reservoirs under the sea in a bid to boost supply security.

The projects will support the state’s gas-powered electricity generators, with Labor hoping the Golden Beach Gas Project off the coast of Gippsland will help combat forecast gas shortfalls […]

The state’s first gas extraction project in a decade was approved by the government in June, clearing the way for Beach Energy to pipe gas from an offshore field in the Otway Basin near Port Campbell in western Victoria.

Sooner or later, harsh reality slaps even the most deranged Climate Cultist in the face.

Victoria’s backdown on banning gas appliances is a rare show of common sense as well as an admission that the net-zero transition is easy to talk about but hard to deliver. Premier Jacinta Allan’s new emphasis on offshore storage and gas imports from overseas demonstrates the folly in the repeated demonisation of the fuel source that was always going to be needed as coal-fired generation was switched off […]

The bigger picture is overly ambitious claims about the speed with which energy-hungry states can wean themselves off fossil fuels are colliding with reality. Demand for gas recognises the limitations of renewable energy sources that cannot be relied upon to supply electricity on demand.

The only question is just how much more the Climate Cult are going to be allowed to cripple our industry and prosperity before they’re finally brought to heel.

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