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Vic’s War on Boys Goes Nuclear

Feminist ideologues double down on emasculating boys.

Mirrors of each other. The Good Oil. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

The War on Boys is moving to saturation bombing in, it should surprise no-one, Victoria. Australia’s wokest state, you may remember, is where boys were forced to publicly apologise simply for being male. It’s also the state that brought in a Queer Theory indoctrination program, designed by a Marxist academic who openly boasted that her job was teach children ‘to be gay and communist’. It’s also the home state of vicious misandrist Clementine Ford.

Small wonder, then, that the femcel harpies who rule the education bureaucracy (with its 80 per cent plus female-dominated workforce) are scolding like fishwives at any hint that boys might push back.

Students will be taught to recognise online toxic masculinity, hate speech, and material promoting or condoning coercive control, and learn skills to resist peer pressure and counter “alpha male” talking points and arguments.

Deakin University Associate Professor Debbie Ollis, who developed the updated material alongside the University of Melbourne’s Professor Helen Cahill, said Respectful Relationships also taught young men to recognise harmful behaviour in themselves.

Surprise, surprise: two ageing Marxist feminists, who’ve spent their entire lives in schools. Even bigger surprise: these shrivelled hags are obsessed with Andrew Tate.

Ollis told The Age it was common to find classes where up to 20 per cent of students had “crawled down the Andrew Tate rabbit hole”, and that there were clear links between online influencers and real-world violence and abuse.

When the program – a key recommendation of the state Labor government’s Royal Commission into Family Violence – was rolled out across state schools in 2016, Tate was an obscure figure and the “manosphere” was an emerging internet phenomenon.

‘Obscure’, because nobody had ever heard of him, or ever would have, until pearl-clutching, man-hating feminists started non-stop screeching about him. These rusty, dried-up old wheels are desperate to get greased. It’s the Streisand Effect meets the Tar Baby.

It’s very telling, too, that the feminists who non-stop screech and wail about Andrew Tate at the same time force schools to stock the nasty propaganda of Tate’s female (to use the term loosely) mirror-image, revolting femcel Clementine Ford. Ford is even more hateful than Tate, openly bragging about wanting to kill men – yet she receives a never-ending stream of government grants and the bitter old shrews in education departments buy her ugly books by the truckload.

But the subsequent growth of the online reach of the former kickboxer and other so-called “alpha male” influencers now has educators, parents and mental health experts worried about the radicalisation of teenagers and young men into extreme misogynist ideology.

By which they mean that they’re terrified that boys might wriggle free of the claw-like clutches of the clucking, hateful harpies who rule the education roosts.

Enter the re-education camps.

The government says the new resources will support young people “to counter the influence of Andrew Tate-types, helping them safely navigate issues like consent, sextortion, pornography and gender-based bullying”.

In other words, be brow-beaten into submission.

Here’s the thing, though: if you keep howling at boys that they’re horrible, violent misogynists, they’re eventually going to believe it.

And start acting accordingly.

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