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Victoria’s COVID Spike Is No Second Wave

“Public gatherings, both indoor and outdoor, limited to 20” – Victorian Government COVID-19 Restrictions. The BFD.

Don’t be fooled by the hysterical fear-mongering from the media and governments. The spike in COVID-19 cases in Victoria is a concern, but it’s nowhere near the feared “second wave” we keep getting threatened with.

The panic-mongering from Daniel Andrews is particularly hypocritical.

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews likens the coronavirus pandemic to a “public health bushfire,” declaring it is “no less serious” than an inferno.

He calls on Australians to work together to stop the spread of COVID-19 and thanks the Australian Defence Force for stepping in to help.

“I’m very, very grateful to everybody. We are all in this together. This is no less serious than a bushfire,” he says. “I’m not too fussed what uniform people wear, and we’re all working hard together to get this done.”

“Just like we send firefighters and air bombers to different states, and we get the benefit of their support as well when we need it, this is like a public health bushfire. We need to work together.

“We are and I hope Victorians take some comfort from knowing that this is not about what side you’re on, we’re all on the same side, and that is to deliver the strategy, to find the positive cases, to suppress this virus, and to make sure that we can get to the other side of it.”

What a load of self-serving crap, to put it bluntly.

Especially “all on the same side” baloney. Remember, in the last few weeks, Andrews arrested dozens of anti-lockdown protesters and kicked anglers off piers – yet allowed thousands of leftists to cram into Melbourne’s CBD without a single arrest. Even the limp-wristed threat of fines for organisers has resulted in just three $1,600 fines.

If this really was “no less serious than a bushfire”, then the organisers must be treated like arsonists. The fact that they haven’t, exposes the lie of Andrews’s rhetoric.

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has confirmed another spike in coronavirus cases, with 33 recorded on Thursday.

Nine of those cases are linked to known and contained outbreaks, six are from routine testing and 11 are under investigation.

20,304 people were tested yesterday, which is a record in terms of testing.

Seven Victorians are in hospital.

Those are rookie numbers. Most of them are sure to be linked more to the record numbers of tests than any “deadly second wave”.

Blame my poor eyesight, but I can’t see any “second wave”. The BFD.

Power-drunk politicians and bureaucrats are feeding us lies, double standards and propaganda in order to cling to their new-found absolute power for as long as they can.

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