What can you tell me about this photo?
If fans of this series would like it to continue please send your original photos to window@thebfd.co.nz
Yesterday’s photo was looking east from Mahia East Coast road to Portland Island and the launch site for Rocket Lab, the white buildings to the right of the island. It was taken from the window of a 1930 Ford Model A while on a National Model A rally in the area.
Editor Note: The BFD needs more views from your window. We particularly need challenging views that contain enough clues for the once a month prize-winning VFYW.
Please put View From My Window in the subject line.
NOTE: We prefer photos to be from a window with preferably part of the window in the shot.
They do not have to be exotic locations. They can be the view from your kitchen window or bedroom window or lounge room window or car window on the way to work.
Please put View From My Window in the subject line.